PlayStation Plus games for December announced: Godfall: Challenger Edition, Mortal Shell, Lego DC Super-Villains

December’s PlayStation Plus free games have finally been made official after being leaked for the second time in a row in advance. This month’s PS4 lineup includes critically acclaimed souls like Mortal Shell and Lego DC’s hilarious super villains.
PS5 players will enjoy Gearbox and Counterplay’s ambitious RPG, the looting slasher Godfall: Challenger Edition. All 3 games will be available for download on Tuesday, December 7th. Players can download these games until January 3rd along with 3 additional PlayStation VR games. These VR games include The Persistence, The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners, and Until You Drop. Like every month, PlayStation Plus games are free to download and store for as long as the subscription is active.
PlayStation Plus games for December announced

This is a pretty good deal for PlayStation users, especially those with a PS VR system. The highlight of this month’s PS Plus lineup is Cold Symmetry’s 2020 surprise Mortal Shell. Early promotional material for the game suggested that Mortal Shell could be a competent soul-like, and when it came time for launch, it turned out to have a lot of tricks up its sleeve.
Mortal Shell has a similar game loop and combat that players may be familiar with from games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but it rarely ever ventures into derivative territory. Instead, the game benefits from an added focus on storytelling and a narrative that’s slightly clearer and easier to understand than the usual obscurity in Dark Souls.
LEGO DC Super-Villains is also a pretty fun game that’s sure to be a highlight for fans of these iconic comic book villains. Godfall, despite not getting the best reception at launch, has amassed a loyal fan base thanks to its endlessly enjoyable slasher gameplay, as well as its surprising amount of lore and interesting world building.
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