Apple and Jony Ive are going in completely different directions today

Apple and Jony Ive are going in completely different directions today

Apple and Jony Ive broke up. The contract that linked his design company to the Apple brand will not be renewed.

Apple and Jony Ive are going their separate ways – and this time, according to The New York Times, it’s for real, so to speak. Jony Ive left the Cupertino company in 2019 after two decades of serving the Apple brand and created his own company called LoveFrom, of which Apple considered Apple as its first and main client. American Daily Today explains that the two parties have decided not to renew their contract and end their collaboration for the first time since the 1990s.

Apple and Jony Ive split up

Jony Ive was a close collaborator of Steve Jobs, and we owe him, in particular, the design of old Mac computers made of translucent plastic, very colorful. He has also been involved in the development of the iPod, his white headphones, iPhone, iPad, and even the Apple Watch. Jony Ive has even reportedly shared ideas for Apple’s highly anticipated mixed reality headset. In 2015, he was named Apple’s first chief designer, although his role has changed significantly over the years. Reports following Jony Quince’s departure claimed that he felt “demoralized”by Tim Cook’s lack of interest in design and the CEO’s decision to focus on software and services. According to the latter, these reports were completely “absurd”.

The contract that linked his design company to the Apple brand will not be renewed.

The Times reported that LoveFrom’s multi-year contract with Apple is valued at $100 million and forbids the company from accepting any new projects that the tech giant might see as competing with its products. Jony Ive wanted to freely take on new customers without asking permission from Apple. At the same time, company executives would also question the amounts paid by Apple to Jony Ive, and some employees did not hesitate to leave the Apple brand to join his design company.

At a time when Jony Ive left Apple and LoveFrom signed with the Cupertino company, Tim Cook stated that he “looked forward to a long-term job with Jony.”Does this mean they can work together again? Have.

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