Bluesky, an alternative to Twitter, according to Jack Dorsey, wants to become an algorithms marketplace.

Bluesky, an alternative to Twitter, according to Jack Dorsey, wants to become an algorithms marketplace.

Bluesky wants to become a marketplace for algorithms and take back control of the news feed for its users.

Bluesky, the Twitter alternative created by Jack Dorsey, is still invite-only, but its leaders are now sharing their vision for this open-source platform a little more. In a new blog post, CEO Jay Graber explains that Bluesky wants to create an “algorithmic marketplace” that will allow users to control how content is filtered and sorted.

Bluesky wants to become an algorithms marketplace

“For developers, an open algorithm marketplace will provide the freedom to experiment and release algorithms that anyone can use,” writes Jay Graber. “For users, the ability to personalize their feed will give them back control over their most precious resource: their attention.”

Bluesky was originally conceived as a small side project for Twitter to create a new decentralized standard for social media platforms. Mias officially distanced herself from Twitter in 2021 and has since been among the many Twitter clones that emerged after Elon Musk acquired the platform.

and return control over the news feed to your users

Like much of what Bluesky offers, this algorithmic marketplace idea is still in the very early stages of its development. Jay Graber explains that Bluesky is currently working on its developer API as well as a “content selection system”that will eventually allow users to search for third-party options they want to integrate into their feed.

Side note: Jack Dorsey is a longtime supporter of “algorithmic choice”, even touting the idea of ​​such an algorithmic market when he was still running Twitter. Jay Graber explains in his post that allowing users to choose their own algorithm, including simple chronological sorting, overshadows “much of the controversy over users’ alleged algorithmic manipulations in their sons.”

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