Call of Duty controls guns more strictly than in the US

Call of Duty controls guns more strictly than in the US

Ricochet’s anti-cheat system deprives cheaters of weapons in Call of Duty, among other inventive measures.

Activision decided to deal with cheaters in Call of Duty in a rather inventive way. The studio literally deprives them of their weapons. When Ricochet’s anti-cheat system detects that someone is breaking the rules, they can lose their weapon (and their dignity). Fraudsters can’t even defend themselves with their fists.

Anti-cheat system Ricochet deprives cheaters of weapons in Call of Duty

“We don’t expect much video of this system to hit the internet, but we have seen it in action and the reaction from the scammers is always fantastic,” wrote the Ricochet team. The blog post shows a short video of a community member coming face to face with a completely unarmed player.

This disarm measure is one of several actions Ricochet can take against cheaters. “When a cheater is detected, we punish him with something from our toolkit (or all at once if we really want to be gamers) and analyze the data from the machine that was identified as a cheater,” the team explains. “In addition to [our] mission to combat cheating, we have another, somewhat secret mission, which is to annoy the cheaters as much as possible.”

among other inventions

Among other tools at their disposal is the Damage Shield, which reduces the damage those who play fair take from cheaters. “If you are touched and see that your life is slowly going downhill, you will know that this is definitely a scammer who has touched you,” we read in this post. And the latter can understand that you have Damage Shield activated. Not only will he waste his ammo, but he will also realize that he was caught in the act. Another technique that can be activated is the Disguise. When a cheater shoots an honest player, the latter becomes invisible to the eyes of the former.

Activision explains that the anti-cheat system has in some respects “significantly”reduced the number of cheaters, although there has been “some unfortunate increase”. This is undoubtedly part of the developers’ game of cat and mouse against scammers who are always looking for new ways to cheat. However, since April, Activision has banned over 180,000 players from Call of Duty: Vanguard and Call of Duty: Warzone. The Ricochet system will also be used in the upcoming Modern Warfare II, which will be released later this year.

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