What does “IYKYK” mean and IYKYK meaning on Instagram/Snapchat

What does “IYKYK” mean and IYKYK meaning on Instagram/Snapchat

Generation Z uses language that is as quirky as wisecracks and gags like FOMO and OOTD. The most common of all new developments in this era are acronyms and slang. We’ll explain the meaning of IYKYK here as we’re talking about one of the most widely used slang expressions right now.

Have you ever opened up a social media account and noticed a lot of slang acronyms being used all over the place?

After all, you are not the only one. These slang terms are widely used on the Internet. They appear in almost every text message Gen Z sends to their friends or in every conversation they have!


What does AIKIK mean?

IYKYK, a slang phrase, originated on the Internet. The word has a unique niche in online forums, especially sites like Reddit, just like the memes that circulate all over social media. With this expression, you can use it when you know that some people will immediately understand what you mean, while others will not. If you know, you know!

Where did the term IYKYK come from?

If you know, you know that it has become quite popular in 2020. But do you know that it was not made this year.

Unlike many of the internet slang terms we cover on this site, “IYKYK”is a relatively recent invention. The term IYKYK was actually created in 2016. However, back then, IYKYK was defined as “If you were there, you would know, but if you weren’t, you wouldn’t know, according to the Urban Dictionary.”To confuse their other teens, they deliberately choose light teen themes. But the meaning of this slang has changed a lot over time.

The first step to being “in the know”is to understand what you need to “know”. It all depends on the poster. If the content is shared on a widely used network such as Twitter or TikTok, it is likely trying to reach a specific but broad audience.

People are becoming more digitally literate, and new words and slang phrases are coming into use. Terms like “DM”which means “send me a DM”where DM means “Direct Message”and “selfie”means using your phone’s front camera to take a picture of yourself simply wouldn’t exist without phones or modern networks such as like Twitter. As a result, slang expressions and acronyms often reflect the development of technology and our increasingly interconnected society. Their use and popularity are directly related to the characteristics of the world we live in, so don’t expect them to disappear anytime soon.

How did the term IYKYK become popular?

How to use IIKIK?

Slang has the same meaning on all social media sites, whether you use Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or any other social network. This IYKYK is usually used to describe a meme, a TV show, or even a personal circumstance. It can also be used to describe a joke that only your friends will understand.

You must remember that you must be familiar with the term “IYKYK”if you are going to use it in written content, signature or even conversation. The use of this slang in a certain context is common, such as a link that only your friends will understand. For example, by making a reference that only your buddies understand.

Using memes and jokes, you can also use IYKYK to make your friends laugh out loud and split them all. This is a fairly popular slang expression that is regularly used in text messages, captions or social media comments. Here are some daily signatures as well as some situations where you can use IYKYK in your daily life. Here are a few situations where you can use IYKYK in daily signatures.

  • “This trip to Himachal was definitely special. #IIKYK”
  • “When the season finale is crazier than you expected #iykyk”
  • “Well, I will never use free dating apps again. AYKYK”.
  • So that’s where Joe’s pants went! # AIKIK.
  • It doesn’t matter what day it is, what year it is?! # AIKIK.

Is it for everyone?

if you see the term “IYKYK”next to something you don’t understand, you probably aren’t the target audience for the post. In a more private feed, such as their Instagram stories, when someone uses the term IYKYK they are probably making a specific reference to a certain number of friends and acquaintances. These messages specifically refer to specific shared experiences with other people. Simply put, if you were there, you would understand. If not, you wouldn’t.


If you try to find the #IYKYK hashtag on Instagram or Snapchat, you’ll probably be smiling for at least an hour. Now I’ve come to the decision that I can’t continue like this. AIKIK.

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