Digimon Survive: How to Recruit Digimon

Digimon Survive: How to Recruit Digimon

Digimon Survive is one of Bandai Namco’s latest RPG/VR novels where players make all sorts of choices that affect what happens in the game as well as their Digimon. In this game, you will meet all sorts of characters and Digimon that you can befriend. By making friends, these Digimon can also fight for you. If you want to recruit your own Digimon in Digimon Survive, then this guide is for you. Here is the best way to dial in Digimon Survive.

How to recruit Digimon in Digimon Survive

In order to recruit a Digimon in Digimon Survive, you need to befriend him first. To do this, you will have to fight, win, talk with your enemy Digimon and answer his questions as best as possible. Unlike Pokémon, defeating a Digimon in combat is not enough to make it a recruit for you.

Recruitment is a tricky thing in this game. Because one wrong answer can ruin all the progress you have made with the digimon in question. Angry, Digimon is unlikely to be recruited. If you want to score badly, you will have to restart the game from the last saved point to try again.

You can never predict when you will need to restart the game. And so, we recommend saving the game before each battle. This will allow you to continue the game without losing much progress. If you don’t want to waste time saving and loading the game, you can always retry the battle. Here are the steps needed to retry the battle:

  • Press the Esc or Start button (depending on the platform you are playing on).
  • Now you will get the game menu
  • Now scroll down until you get to the “Repeat”option.
  • Click the Retry button to reset the battle.

You can now replay your battle and try your luck with Digimon friendship/recruitment again.

This has been your guide on how to recruit a Digimon in Digimon Survive.

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