Discord is finally adding text chat to voice channels

Discord is finally adding text chat to voice channels

Discord is finally integrating text chat into voice channels, a novelty that should appeal to many users.

Discord’s audio chat has been causing trouble for users on more than one occasion, as it’s impossible to write text in a voice channel, often having to switch between channels to share a link or a cool GIF. Today , the platform is finally bringing in a small dose of clarity.

Discord is finally integrating text chat into voice channels

The service allows you to enter text into voice channels on all platforms. Each channel now includes a dedicated section where you can enter whatever you want. And you don’t have to join the challenge to take part.

Voice channels now have the same permissions as normal text channels, moderators can restrict the sending of messages, stickers, and other content. The benefits of “boosted”servers, such as sending large files, are also available over voice channels.

This feature is also free for all servers. Now it is available for servers with the “Community”status, that is, only for servers with a private calling, but administrators can activate it at will. On all servers, this option will be enabled on June 29th.

A novelty that should please many users

This Discord move should help reduce the confusion and proliferation of channels made just for word processing for voice users. After all, it’s rather surprising that these hybrid text and voice channels didn’t exist before. However, this novelty should be very handy. Many users have criticized the platform for putting too much emphasis on Clubhouse streams, premium memberships, and other features that go far beyond the core gaming core of Discord. With the help of text chat in voice channels, Discord returns to its first love.

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