Should you let Sebastian take the relic back to Hogwarts Legacy? (answered)

Should you let Sebastian take the relic back to Hogwarts Legacy? (answered)

Are you wondering if Sebastian Sallow should be given a relic from Hogwarts Legacy? This guide will show you what the implications of each decision are and help you choose yours. Hogwarts Legacy features a variety of friendly student characters that feel like you’re making new friends at a new school. They all have different personalities and some of them you may like and some you may hate. The game often provides you with dialogue options in quests related to these characters. But the result does not always depend on the choice, let’s find out more about this.

Should I give the relic to Sebastian in Hogwarts Legacy?

If you’ve been following Sebastian’s quests and stories so far, you’ll find that all of his quests are about secrets. This is about the dark secrets of the Slytherin faculty. You’ll also go on to learn how Sebastian is aware of the power of dark magic but isn’t afraid to face it if it’s for his sister.

Somewhere during the quests related to Sebastian, he will call you to Feldcroft to visit his sister. However, you will realize that his sister is under a curse of dark magic. You will also learn about an Ancient Artifact that can possibly cure him.

Once you reach the In the Shadow of Time quest, you will go and learn about the Ancient Relic. During this, you will be able to explore some ancient ruins where the Relic is supposedly located. Once you find an ancient relic and find out that it really exists, you will be presented with two options:

  • We must leave the relic alone
  • We need this relic

Here’s the thing, your choice of this option just doesn’t matter, as Sebastian will still take the Ancient Relic anyway. This is because Sebastian has dedicated himself to curing his sister’s curse and he will do whatever it takes. After this choice, Ominis will appear and you will have the option to side with Ominis or Sebastian. Regardless of this choice, in the end you will still leave with the relic.

That’s all you need to know about Relic and Sebastian. To learn more about Hogwarts Legacy, check out our other articles.

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