Dragon Ball The Breakers: How to Transform into an Oolong

Dragon Ball The Breakers: How to Transform into an Oolong

This Dragon Ball game is an asymmetric survival game in which one of the players plays the role of a raider. The rest of the players are survivors who need to fight the raider and successfully escape the island. It is possible to transform as Freize, Cell, Majin Buu, etc. by playing the role of a raider. Whereas, Survivors can play as Bulma, Farmer, Grounders, Oolongs, etc. to evade the Raider. Oolong is one of the most notable characters due to her shapeshifting abilities. This anthropomorphic pig has made multiple appearances in the DB manga and anime, earning him immense popularity. This shape-shifting ability that Oolong possesses can be very useful when playing as a Survivor in Dragon Ball The Breakers. Want to know how to use this ability? Check out this guide

How to transform into Oolong in Dragon Ball The Breakers

After unlocking Oolong, go to the Survivors tab in the battle settings to equip his character. Unlocking a character also grants the user their ability, in Oolong’s case, shapeshifting. In DB The Breakers, players can simply transform into Oolong using the left D-pad buttons. You can turn into a Rocket and escape from the area. However, keep in mind that if you collide with any object while being a Rocket, you will explode.

Additionally, Oolong can change shape and disguise itself, turning into a pot or anything else in Dragon Ball the Breakers. Also, keep in mind that they all go on cooldown for 30 seconds after a single use. In addition, the Survivor’s ability is displayed on the left side of the screen. This will help you determine the forces that are activated by the keys on the left D-pad.

That’s all you need to know about shapeshifting as Oolong in Dragon Ball The Breakers.

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