Ecosia and Niantic call on their communities to mobilize to save the planet

Ecosia and Niantic call on their communities to mobilize to save the planet

Explore, play and come together to plant trees – Niantic and Ecosia’s bold offering.

From April 23 until next July, Pokemon Go, Pikmin Blum, and Ingress players from around the world will gather and play together to plant trees. For every player who walks 5K, on ​​the occasion of Community Days (a monthly event organized in over 65 countries and recurring every month), the US company Niantic will make a financial donation to Ecosia, the largest non-profit search engine in the world, to plant up to 100,000 trees per month.

“We are thrilled to continue our sustainability work by engaging directly with real players,” said Jenny Solheim, director of social impact at Niantic. “With Ecosia, we are making real impact by linking outdoor research with tree planting.” Juliette Chabot, manager of Ecosia’s French subsidiary, adds: “This partnership is an opportunity to invite citizens to commit themselves to protecting the environment. If they can do this in a fun way, we all benefit because these planted trees will serve to restore ecosystems, protect biodiversity and support local communities. ”

Ecosia, exemplary biodiversity conservation student

A German search engine that donates 80% of its profits to non-profit associations working on a reforestation program, Ecosia has already planted more than 147 million trees in more than 30 countries. In 2014, Ecosia received the B Corp. Then, in 2017, the company built the first of its four solar power plants to use 100% renewable energy and achieved over 200% renewable energy in July 2020. In 2018, Ecosia decides to donate its shares to the Purpose Foundation to assure users that the founders will never be able to profit from the company or even receive dividends.

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