Elden Ring: How to Defeat the Dragon Tree Guardian

Elden Ring: How to Defeat the Dragon Tree Guardian

The Draconic Tree Sentinel is a mini-boss in Elden Ring that you need to defeat in order to reach the Royal Capital of Leindell. But while you can find it on the outskirts of the capital, you can also find it in the Falling Farum Azul. When defeated, he gives you a large amount of runes and may even drop Dragon Claw and Dragon Claw Shield. So, in this guide, let’s see how to defeat the Dragon Tree Guardian in Elden Ring.

How to defeat the Dragon Tree Guardian in Elden Ring

You can defeat the Dragon Tree Guardian by attacking him while he prepares to attack. And dodge any attacks he uses against you. His moveset consists of the following attacks:

Phase 1

  • Horse Stomp: The Dragontree Guardian Horse raises its front legs to stomp you. This charge takes about a second or two. So you should try to go for the Dragon Tree Guardian. Once from behind hit two or three times from behind. He will then rush forward to get away from you. If you attack him from the front while he is charging, attack only once to be safe and then roll to the side. If you are slow, the horse will trample and crush you.
  • Slashing Attacks: The Dragontree Guardian uses several variations of slashing attacks. You can dodge them by rolling towards or away from the Dragon Tree Guardian. Depending on how he swings his club and how far you are from him, you will have to time your dodge. Attack him if you roll forward and are within range of your attacks.
  • Fire Breath: The Dragon Tree Guardian will breathe several pillars of fire. The number of these fire attacks depends on how far away you are from him. This attack is fairly easy to dodge. All you have to do is roll to either side before he hits you.
  • Shield Bash: If you try to attack the Dragon Tree Guardian from the left side, he will start using his shield. He will swing the shield up or to the side. You can dodge this attack by rolling away from it.
  • Clubbing: He will strike the ground with his club to crush you. This attack also releases a shockwave. Therefore, if you are close to him during this attack, you will be hit by the shockwave even if you dodge the club itself. To dodge it, time your throw just before the club hits you or the ground. This will allow you to dodge both the club and the shockwave.

Phase 2

After you bring the Dragon Tree Guardian to half its health, it will charge its club with red lightning. All of his club attacks are the same as in the first phase. There is only one new move in the second phase.

  • Lightning Strike: The Dragontree Guardian will charge his Shield with red lightning. He will then direct the attack towards the player. Lightning will fall where the last player stood. You can dodge this attack by rolling in any direction before the lightning strikes.

Keep spamming attacks in the window between Draconic Tree Sentinel’s attacks and the time he prepares his next attack. This will allow you to drain his health and eventually defeat him.

This covers this guide on how to defeat the Dragon Tree Guardian in Elden Ring. If you want to defeat various mini-bosses or other enemies in the game, you should check out our guides on how to defeat Magma Wyrm Makar, Bell Bearing Hunter and Revenants. And for other things about this game, check out our Elden Ring section.

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