Pokemon Unite Boost Emblems: How to Get and Use Them

Pokemon Unite Boost Emblems: How to Get and Use Them

With a recent update and on the occasion of the 1st anniversary, Pokemon Unite has introduced the in-game Boost Emblems feature. These emblems can be used to boost your Pokémon’s stats. Since this is a new feature, some players may not be able to get it. Don’t worry, here’s our guide on how to get and use Boost Emblems in Pokemon Unite.

How to get Boost Emblems in Pokemon Unite

You can get Boost emblems through the Energy Rewards system, which is the gacha system for the game. So, all you have to do is play random matches and battles to fill up your energy tank. Once the tank is full, you can use them to earn as an Energy reward. But you can only claim 30 Energy rewards per day. You also need a lot of Eos Energy to get these Energy Rewards.

These Boost Emblems come in three levels. These are gold, silver and bronze enhancement emblems. Bronze Emblems have an 88% chance, and Silver Emblems have a 15% chance. For the latter, there is a small 2% chance of getting the Gold Boost emblem.

Image source: CrisHeroes on YouTube.

While Boost Emblems can currently be obtained through the gacha system, this may change in the future.

How to use Boost Emblems

Pokemon Unite has over 99 enhanced emblems that you can use during battles. You need to customize your gear in order to use Boost Emblems. You can find gear in the same menu as your friends list. Players can equip more than 10 Empowerment Emblems at the same time in custom gear. Each Boost emblem has a specific color and has different loading effects. You can also enhance their effect by stacking an emblem of the same color.

So here are all the Boost Emblem colors and their effects:

  • Black: Cooldown reduction effect.
    • Stacking 3 emblems of the same color: cooldown reduction effect +2%.
    • Stacking 5 Emblems: +4% cooldown reduction.
    • Stacking 7 Emblems: +8% Cooldown Reduction.
  • Blue: protective effect.
    • When stacking 2 emblems: +2% to the protective effect.
    • Stacking 4 Emblems: +4% Defense.
    • Stacking 6 Emblems: +8% Defense
  • Green: Special attack effect.
    • Stacking 2 Emblems of the same color: +1% Special Attack Effect.
    • Stacking 4 Emblems: +2% Special Attack Effect.
    • Stacking 6 Emblems: +4% Special Attack Effect.
  • Orange: attack effect.
    • Stacking 2 emblems of the same color: +1% attack effect.
    • Stacking 4 emblems: +2% attack effect.
    • Stacking 6 Emblems: +4% Attack Effect
  • Pink: Obstacle/Stubbornness effect.
    • Stacking 3 emblems of the same color: interference effect -4%.
    • Stacking 5 emblems: -8% obstacle effect.
    • Stacking 7 Emblems: -16% Resistance/Persistence Effect.
  • Purple: special protection.
    • Stacking 2 Emblems of the same color: +2% special defensive effect.
    • Stacking 4 Emblems: +4% special defensive effect.
    • Stacking 6 Emblems: +8% special defensive effect.
  • Red: Base attack speed.
    • Stacking 3 emblems of the same color: +2% attack speed.
    • Stacking 5 emblems: +4% attack speed effect.
    • Stacking 7 Emblems: +8% Attack Speed.
  • White: Increased HP.
    • Stacking 2 emblems of the same color: +1% health increase.
    • Stacking 4 emblems: +2% health increase.
    • Stacking 6 emblems: +4% health increase.
  • Yellow: Movement speed effect.
    • Stacking 3 emblems of the same color: movement speed increase effect +4%. Build 5 Emblems: +6% movement speed. Build 7 Emblems: +12% increased movement speed.

This is all about how to get and use Boost Emblems in Pokemon Unite.

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