These 3D-printed “living” inks could allow buildings to be repaired on their own.

These 3D-printed “living” inks could allow buildings to be repaired on their own.

Researchers have developed 3D-printed living ink that would allow us to imagine self-healing buildings.

3D printing is a great invention of recent years. This technology can be used and adapted to a wide variety of applications. Some have even managed to use it to print live ones. Today’s example concerns “living ink “that can be used in the building world, allowing one to imagine buildings capable of self-healing.

Researchers have developed living ink that can be 3D printed.

Forget about 3D printed organs – it must be admitted that this is already quite an outstanding feat – the materials of the future may come to life. Somehow explains that scientists have developed “living inks”that can be used to print living materials that can be used to create 3D structures. The team programmed cells from E. coli and other microbes to create living nanofibers, combined with more traditional fibers and other materials to produce inks that are quite suitable for use in any environment – a standard 3D printer.

What would allow us to imagine self-healing buildings

Researchers have been trying to create living materials for a very long time, but obtaining substances that can exist in three-dimensional structures is a very delicate operation. There were no problems here. Scientists have created a material that releases an anti-cancer component when it comes into contact with other chemicals, while another removes BPA toxin from the environment. These designs can also be adapted to meet other needs.

However, all these practical applications may still be far from being used in our world. For example, it is very difficult to imagine how this ink can be mass-produced. That being said, the potential beyond medicine or pollution control is definitely there. Creators are even already envisioning buildings capable of self-repair, or materials being assembled into infrastructure on the Moon or Mars to reduce the need for Earth’s resources. These inks can even be crafted on their own if the circumstances are right – then it would be enough to have only a few basic resources to do what you want.

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