PUBG New State February Update Will Fix “Meta Transport” And Fix Car Damage And Health

PUBG New State February Update Will Fix “Meta Transport” And Fix Car Damage And Health

The PUBG New State / New State Mobile development team recently tweeted that they will be adjusting the “vehicle meta”that has appeared in the game. Basically, this means that the vehicles in the game are currently very powerful and can be used to shift the overall balance of the game in their favor.

It appears that PUBG New State players can jump into vehicles to largely avoid being shot, and due to the accuracy of weapons when firing from a vehicle, they can also land more hits.

The February update will focus on fixing this vehicle “meta”and reducing collision damage, door health, and several vehicle health. This won’t be the only update coming to the game as vehicle firing accuracy will be adjusted in a future update.

Future PUBG new state updates to fix “vehicle meta”

“Meta”in games refers to a powerful tactic or element of the game that is considered the most optimal way to succeed. In this case, “vehicle meta”means that PUBG New State players have found that using vehicles often guarantees success in the game.

While vehicles have been a major part of why PUBG New State is so fun, right now it looks like they could ruin the fun for many players. To balance things out, in a future update, the passenger’s hitbox will be enlarged by changing the frames of the vehicles.

This means enemy players on foot will be able to do some damage to vehicles and have a better chance of winning. It will be interesting to see how many vehicles get nerfed and if they are still a viable tactic in PUBG New State.

A release date for the February update has yet to be confirmed, but it should be announced soon enough. The update will most likely open the second season of New State Mobile and add new content to the game.

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