Gunfire Reborn: How to Defeat Each Boss (Boss Guide)

Gunfire Reborn: How to Defeat Each Boss (Boss Guide)

Gunfire Reborn is a game that has mixed many genres. It features RPG elements, level-based FPS, and even Roguelite-like elements. As you collect items, mostly weapons, and explore different levels, you will encounter numerous bosses. While some of them are optional, some will help you move on to the next steps. This boss guide will help you defeat all the bosses in Gunfire Reborn. So let’s check out this guide and see how to do it.

How to beat every boss in Gunfire Reborn

While none of these bosses are easy to defeat, the task of defeating them will be a fun experience. Before we start with each boss, we have listed all the bosses you will face in the game. Here are all the bosses you will have to defeat in Gunfire Reborn:

  • Lu Wu
  • Golem (optional boss)
  • Ichthyosaurus offspring
  • Wind God (optional boss)
  • Yoruhime-Maru
  • Bottomless Serpent (optional boss)
  • polar monarch

How to beat Lou Wu

Lu Wu is the first boss you will face in Gunfire Reborn. Although he won’t be all that strong, treating this boss with condescension will be fatal to you. To defeat Lu Wu’s boss in Gunfire Reborn, distance will be key. Here are the tips and tricks you need to remember against this boss:

  • The key to this fight is distance. Although his attacks are not at close range, the distance will still help you avoid them.
  • You need to constantly attack him while he charges up his attacks and dodge or dash.
  • While we’re at it, below are the attacks you need to watch out for.
    • Boulder Throw – He will charge up his gauntlet and throw boulders at you. You can dodge them by waiting for the red circle to appear and then dashing to the side.
    • Fireball – He will point his gauntlet at you and fire a fireball. Move to one side to dodge it.
    • Jump Attack – Lu Wu jumps towards you and breaks the ground where he lands. Step aside if you are at a distance. If the jump is from a closer distance, dash towards it. That’s where he jumped from.
    • Ground Pound is when you are close. He will charge the Gauntlet and then slam it into the ground. To avoid this, dash back.

How to defeat the Golem (optional boss)

The Golem is an optional boss that is unlocked when you defeat Lu Wu five times in Gunfire Reborn. Beating the Golem will require you to have a good time. We recommend that you take a rifle for this boss. Here are the tips and tricks you need to remember against the Golem:

  • He will use chest beams that you need to dodge by hiding behind the pillars. If you don’t have pillars, a perfectly timed dash will help you repel the attack.
  • Next, he will destroy the pillars and revive them. So watch out for the red circles. Later in the game, he will cause the pillars to explode for close range damage and then revive them.
  • You also have to be careful of the rocks he will create in the air. Shoot them as soon as you can. As long as you can hide behind a pillar to dodge them, they will break the pillar, which will take your shield against the chest beam.
  • Another attack when he throws his arms at you. You will see two red circles and you need to dodge in time to avoid it.
  • Finally, keep shooting him in the eyes or in the chest. These are his weak points, the chest is the easiest target.

How to defeat the offspring of an ichthyosaur

Ichthyosaurus Offspring will take us to the desert region of Gunfire Reborn. This boss is fairly easy to defeat. While distance was key for the first two bosses, this is not the case here. Here’s everything you need to remember to defeat the Ichthyosaur Offspring boss in Gunfire Reborn:

  • It has two weak points, a head and a tail. In the middle of the fight, he will go underground, and then his tail will come out.
  • The tail has two attacks, one of which shoots acid-like balls that you must avoid. The second is a tail slash that can be dodged by moving sideways.
  • It also fires laser beams from its mouth, which you can avoid by moving in one direction. However, get closer to the boss while this attack is in motion. This will help you avoid getting hit.

This guide is still a work in progress and we will update it soon with tips and tricks for the remaining bosses.

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