Horizon Forbidden West: Guerrilla Games explains combat mechanics

Horizon Forbidden West: Guerrilla Games explains combat mechanics

The intensity of the fighting will mean new challenges in Horizon: Forbidden West, with new opportunities to make a difference thanks to Aloy’s skills.

Charles Peren, Richard Houd, Arjen Bey, Pinar Temiz, and Lovisa Bergdahl of Dutch studio Guerrilla Games talk about the evolution of Horizon: Forbidden West’s combat mechanics and how it helps cement the principles of freedom and player choice in the open world. developer blog posts.

  • Charles Peren, Combat Designer: “Aloy is a smart and agile fighter. In Horizon Forbidden West, the tools at her disposal allow her to use different tactics and face tougher opponents than herself, be they armored men or large vehicles. The changes we’ve made to the fight stay true to Aloy’s personality. First of all, we wanted to deepen the gameplay and allow players to develop more importantly, in particular through melee chains and bursts of bravery. Players who take the time to hone their combat skills will find new techniques that are as elegant as they are effective in taking down their enemies. We also wanted to expand the variety of playstyles and focus on free will. Players can adapt their tactics with new weapons and equipment, which can be upgraded at the workbench. Finally, we wanted to create challenging enemies to encourage players to use all their skills and abilities. Brand new vehicles and even more advanced human enemies will keep players on their toes throughout the game! There are many different ways to approach the combat situation in the Forbidden West. The way a player chooses to approach fights has a real impact on the duration, risks, and resource costs. Some players prefer to take out their enemies stealthily, while others prefer to use focus to analyze them and find the best tactics to get rid of them. Others prefer to attack enemies directly with a spear and bow… at their own risk! Resonator Breath rewards players who use spear combos. As soon as Aloy attacks in melee, his spear’s resonator stores energy. This energy can be directed towards the enemy and briefly delay him. Shooting at the energy before it’s gone will deal heavy damage! This mechanic creates a powerful synergy between melee and ranged combat and encourages players to switch between them. There are many things players can do to prepare for battle. They can equip Aloy with the right equipment and weapons, use the workbench to upgrade them, and unlock additional stats, perks, and ammo types. The scanning mechanic already present in Horizon Zero Dawn is still available. Your opponent’s weaknesses and trajectory will be highlighted. Don’t forget to make potions and keep your first aid kit full in case something goes wrong. And finally use our new movement tools with our combat mechanics for even more impressive rendering! Don’t forget to make potions and keep your first aid kit full in case something goes wrong. And finally, use our new movement tools with our combat mechanics for even more impressive rendering! Don’t forget to make potions and keep your first aid kit full in case something goes wrong. And finally, use our new movement tools with our combat mechanics for even more impressive renderings!“ Don’t forget to make potions and keep your first aid kit full in case something goes wrong. And finally, use our new movement tools with our combat mechanics for even more impressive renderings!“ Don’t forget to make potions and keep your first aid kit full in case something goes wrong. And finally, use our new movement tools with our combat mechanics for even more impressive renderings!“
  • Richard Hoode, Animation Director: “It was important to us that players feel that Eloy’s skills and confidence have grown as a result of his adventures in Horizon Zero Dawn and The Frozen Wilds. She gained a lot of experience, and the animation had to prove it. Our goal was to show that Aloy is more comfortable with her environment, while not forgetting that she is human and that not everything can always go according to plan. The capture mechanic is a good example of this. It is more agile and resourceful, but can run into difficulties, such as when it has to climb particularly steep slopes. We did extensive research to better understand the anatomy and movement of the characters. Human animation is very different from machine animation. but our goals for both were pretty similar. First of all, we wanted to offer players more accuracy. Each human or machine class revolves around a particular gameplay feature that the animation team means to the player through their actions, posture, and movement. We rely on clear silhouettes and recognizable behaviors to enable the player to anticipate or react to the actions of their enemies. We use the timing of these actions to create windows of opportunity and allow players to attack, parry or run away, and to show certain personality traits through animation. Then we have player and enemy reactions. We worked closely with the game’s developers to achieve a fun yet challenging end result while maintaining the authenticity of the characters. Enemies usually take some time to show their intentions so that the player has time to react and get an (almost) instant response from the team. Finally, we considered the fluidity and rhythm of people and machines to make the combat scenario more interesting. For example, we experiment with different ranges (close, far), different directions (forward, sideways, up, etc.), different speeds (slow or fast attacks), and different degrees of power (light hits or heavy hits). The team did a lot of research to determine the personalities and core traits of the enemies as we aimed to make the world as authentic and immersive as possible. We usually start with an overview of the enemies and discuss their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the most appropriate keywords and traits for the character. Then we study animal documentaries, feature films, encyclopedias, comics, concept art… Anything that can help us identify the main aspects of a character. With this big picture in mind, we create a moodboard-style video to show the various teams the personality, movements, and behaviors they are looking for. For example, the Gallop Claw is a machine that is fast and agile, but also particularly vicious and aggressive. The car is alert and determined, which was quite interesting to spice things up. We’ve added small gestures unique to his personality to help players better understand them. The goal was to make combat with humans as intense and stimulating as combat with machines. This meant that we had to expand the combat system and diversify the way we deal with human enemies in the world. We want to give the player the flexibility to choose their play style, whether they prefer to attack from a distance or melee. These strategy changes required a lot of smooth and responsive transition animations. As we introduced many new human enemy archetypes, we used motion capture sessions to bring each one to life. We worked with an actor who is used to motion capture, second only to stunts, and able to perfectly interpret different fighting styles and characters. We studied the behavior of different classes at rest, which helped us make some decisions regarding the characters. For example, in the champion class, the characters had to look confident and experienced. Therefore, the actor moved calmly, as if looking for loopholes in the enemy’s defense, while not taking his eyes off him, turning around and never ceasing to approach. It was almost like a wolf chasing its prey! The rebel behaves a bit like a hyena, he is quite noisy and moody. So sometimes it moves in an uncontrollable and ugly way. He is stooped and can be aggressive in groups, but more indecisive in small groups. Rebel soldiers don’t always behave the same way in combat, but it gave the team some insight into the character and helped us decide on his various poses, attacks, and personality. We can’t wait for players to test our new cars and all their skills. We really put a lot of emphasis on diversity, and players will have a ton of gameplay experience as they venture into the Forbidden West. We love seeing how players react when faced with new enemies (human or machine),”when the players test our new cars and all their skills. We really put a lot of emphasis on diversity, and players will have a ton of gameplay experience as they venture into the Forbidden West. We love seeing how players react when faced with new enemies (human or machine),”when the players test our new cars and all their skills. We really put a lot of emphasis on diversity, and players will have a ton of gameplay experience as they venture into the Forbidden West. We love seeing how players react when faced with new enemies (human or machine),”
  • Arjen Beige, Senior AI Programmer: “We wanted to make the enemies more authentic by improving the smoothness and continuity of their movements. In particular, we made it easier for enemies (and comrades) to move through the most rugged terrain. Horizon Zero Dawn’s AI already supported a lot of dynamic terrain changes, but we wanted to take it a step further by adding jumping and climbing to its behavior. Now the AI ​​looks for shortcuts on the fly, whereas before you had to do quite complex workarounds. On the other hand, more machines can now swim and dive to hunt Aloy underwater. Amphibious enemies can also jump to get in and out of water. It may happen that they combine this jump with an attack. We try to show the condition of the enemies through their behavior, postures and vocalizations. A period of respite before you are discovered, indicated by the approach of the enemy. Enemies investigate the slightest infraction, such as an arrow hit nearby, or a vehicle being silently destroyed. You can also avoid combat by getting out of the enemy’s line of sight and slipping away. When the enemies realize that you are not where they thought they are, they go looking for you. Human enemies are uniting and looking for you as a group. It is the chief who gives orders and coordinates research. Thanks to animations and contextual dialogue, the player will have everything they need to decide what to do next! We hope players enjoy fighting these enemies. Initially, the player will be outnumbered, so they will have to look for solutions to the obstacles presented by the enemies. Machines can be formidable adversaries. Each has its own rhythm and unique attacks. However, players must be able to control the situation and eliminate them, using various tactics. Hand-to-hand combat has been improved and, combined with the Resonator Blast system, allows for amazing attacks to be stacked together. Each has its own rhythm and unique attacks. However, players must be able to control the situation and eliminate them using various tactics. Hand-to-hand combat has been improved and, combined with the Resonator Blast system, allows for amazing attacks to be stacked together. Each has its own rhythm and unique attacks. However, players must be able to control the situation and eliminate them using various tactics. Hand-to-hand combat has been improved and, combined with the Resonator Blast system, allows for amazing attacks to be chained together.«However, players must be able to control the situation and eliminate them using various tactics. Hand-to-hand combat has been improved and, combined with the Resonator Blast system, allows for amazing attacks to be stacked together. Each has its own rhythm and unique attacks. However, players must be able to control the situation and eliminate them using various tactics. Hand-to-hand combat has been improved and, combined with the Resonator Blast system, allows for amazing attacks to be chained together.«However, players must be able to control the situation and eliminate them using various tactics. Hand-to-hand combat has been improved and, combined with the Resonator Blast system, allows for amazing attacks to be stacked together. Each has its own rhythm and unique attacks. However, players must be able to control the situation and eliminate them using various tactics. Hand-to-hand combat has been improved and, combined with the Resonator Blast system, allows for amazing attacks to be chained together.«using various tactics. Hand-to-hand combat has been improved and, combined with the Resonator Blast system, allows for amazing attacks to be chained together.«using various tactics. Hand-to-hand combat has been improved and, combined with the Resonator Blast system, allows for amazing attacks to be chained together.«
  • Pinar Temiz, Sound Engineer: “Our main focus for the machines was to harmonize the sonic characteristics already established in Horizon Zero Dawn with the complexity of the new environments and machine types of the Forbidden West. In this new world, the animation of some machines is more expressive and their functions are more obvious. Therefore, the sound design needed to be even more detailed. We had to take what worked well in the first game and create a sound palette that would bring each car to life while maintaining a certain harmony with the game world. Each machine has its own beeps that allow the player to play. close range attack and specific ranged attack. Melee attacks are represented by a distinct sound that gets louder and louder until the point of impact. Ranged attacks are represented by the sound of certain weapons or projectiles being loaded. These beeps will draw the player’s attention to the attacker or nearby danger, especially in multi-vehicle combat. This will allow him to react in time. When the player alerts the machine, whether intentionally or not, their sounds help them know what state they are in. If the vehicle is stationary and not on alert, you will hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give it. Ranged attacks are represented by the sound of certain weapons or projectiles being loaded. These beeps will draw the player’s attention to the attacker or nearby danger, especially in multi-vehicle combat. This will allow him to react in time. When the player alerts the machine, whether intentionally or not, their sounds help them know what state they are in. If the vehicle is stationary and not on alert, you will hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give it. Ranged attacks are represented by the sound of certain weapons or projectiles being loaded. These beeps will draw the player’s attention to the attacker or nearby danger, especially in multi-vehicle combat. This will allow him to react in time. When the player alerts the machine, whether intentionally or not, their sounds help them know what state they are in. If the vehicle is stationary and not on alert, you will hear rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalizations, which reflects the personality we chose to give it. This will allow him to react in time. When the player alerts the machine, whether intentionally or not, their sounds help them know what state they are in. If the vehicle is stationary and not on alert, you will hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give it. This will allow him to react in time. When the player alerts the machine, whether intentionally or not, their sounds help them know what state they are in. If the vehicle is stationary and not on alert, you will hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give it.“ When the player alerts the machine, whether intentionally or not, their sounds help them know what state they are in. If the vehicle is stationary and not on alert, you will hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give it. This will allow him to react in time. When the player alerts the machine, whether intentionally or not, their sounds help them know what state they are in. If the vehicle is stationary and not on alert, you will hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give it.“ When the player alerts the machine, whether intentionally or not, their sounds help them know what state they are in. If the vehicle is stationary and not on alert, you will hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give it. This will allow him to react in time. When the player alerts the machine, whether intentionally or not, their sounds help them know what state they are in. If the vehicle is stationary and not on alert, you will hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give it.“ you’ll hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give her. This will allow him to react in time. When the player alerts the machine, whether intentionally or not, their sounds help them know what state they are in. If the vehicle is stationary and not on alert, you will hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give it.“ you’ll hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give her. This will allow him to react in time. When the player alerts the machine, whether intentionally or not, their sounds help them know what state they are in. If the vehicle is stationary and not on alert, you will hear a rather calm, sporadic and stylized vocalization that reflects the personality we chose to give it.“
  • Lovisa Bergdahl, Sound Engineer: “The sound effect of the glue starts out as a bubbling liquid, a little disgusting, then it seems to solidify until it cracks and dissolves. To get this sound, I played with the slime for several days and searched for the most gooey sounds in the sound library. In the game you will find my own recordings of stretched rubber, rubbing liquids and slime, as well as sounds from sound libraries recorded by my colleagues. Simply put, it was as disgusting as it was fun”

Horizon: Forbidden West fights on video

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