How to Defend, Dodge, Block, and Counter in Dead Island 2

How to Defend, Dodge, Block, and Counter in Dead Island 2

Explained: Defend, Dodge, Block, and Counter in Dead Island 2

Technically speaking, the dodge and defend actions in Dead Island 2 are block mechanisms because they are connected to your Abilities Card loadout. We go into further detail about how you counter differently below.

The same card slot and keybind are used for blocking and dodging. Hence, you are only allowed to select one kind of defensive action at once, not both.

The buttons for each platform are as follows:

  • PC: Left Alt
  • PlayStation: L1
  • Xbox: LB

Which Is Better: Blocking or Dodging?

The dodge and block mechanics in Dead Island 2 each have advantages and disadvantages.

  • While sidestepping or moving backward to evade incoming blows, dodging increases mobility. If you’re not careful, however, you’re vulnerable to blows from all directions.
  • You can reduce melee damage from the majority of front-facing zombies by blocking. No matter if you’re using a melee or distant weapon, this will still function. You’ll nonetheless still take a blow to the back. Similarly, while blocking, your character will move slowly.

Flawless dodges and blocks allow you to counter and stun your opponent.

Your stamina will partially replenish as you block and dodge. Also, if you click the button shortly before a zombie attacks, you can momentarily stun them.

By tapping the proper interaction keys that display, you can answer with a counter this way. A counter results in a powerful strike with your weapon, perhaps ending the life of a lesser enemy.

  • After absorbing a significant amount of damage, the majority of Apex zombies will prostrate themselves, allowing you to attack them repeatedly with no repercussions.
  • By inflicting damage on Screamers in the midst of their animation, you can stop their shriek.
  • If you can avoid or stop a butcher’s leaping assault, you can temporarily make them susceptible.
  • Mutators have a three-hit combo in which the third swing renders them temporarily susceptible.

Featured image via Deep Silver.

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