How to Discover All It Starts Collectible Journals in Dead Island 2

How to Discover All It Starts Collectible Journals in Dead Island 2

Locations of the All It Starts files in Dead Island 2

Day 1: 13

  • 1: Emma Jaunt’s Note: Take this from her closet.
  • 2: You Won’t Believe This Fake News, Use the desk-mounted microphone in the Goat Pen house’s podcast studio. You’ll need to shatter a window to get entry.
  • 3: Talk Now: This is located on one of the side tables in the Halperin Hotel’s tiny bridal pavilion.
  • 4: Hot Feet: Take the phone from the bathroom counter when you exit the Halperin Hotel’s third-floor ducts by passing through the open door between suites.
  • Fifth: #Spacefox2250 Get this at the autograph table outside Sound Stage 7 on the Monarch Studios property, according to the live feed.
  • 6: Close Shave: Take this phone off one of the tables at the military checkpoint near the northwest corner of Venice Beach.
  • 7: Deadlift: Have a look at the clipboard attached to the stack of military crates on the Strongman stage in western Venice Beach.
  • 8: You Made A Mistake: Use the restroom at Luigi’s Pizza on the Santa Monica Pier’s north end.
  • 9: Just venting: Check the open shipping container to the west if you’re near the Army helicopter that crashed on the north side of the big blue tunnel on the Pier. It leads to a tiny nook with this note and a locked safe.
  • 10: Scamper the Dolphin, hop over the concrete wall on the left as you descend the utility tunnel beneath the Santa Monica Pier. You’ll see a door with the label “Aquarium Storage” if you turn left. Enter Aquarium Storage and destroy the wall’s back paneling.
  • 11: Commuting: In a vast tunnel in the Metro’s eastbound direction, you’ll find a subway vehicle that has partially broken through the ceiling. Below it, there is an abandoned phone with this text conversation on it.
  • 12: Portapotty Poltergeist: On Hollywood Boulevard, beneath the glitchy Omen to Kill billboard, is a discreet concession stand. Remove the phone off the counter.
  • 13: Pull the tape reel off the bed in Colt Swanson’s panic room in Bel-Air in Colt’s Swansong.

Capacity: 4

  • 1: Chump Dump Check: This is posted on a wall near to the poolside restaurant of the Halperin Hotel.
  • 2: Major Malfunction: Take this off the desk when you go to Major Booker’s outpost in Room 307 at the Halperin Hotel.
  • 3: Return Soon: Enter the alleyway next to Long Pork Restaurant on Ocean Avenue, then unlock the utility room on the right. You should be able to see this note stuck on some equipment.
  • 4: Shutter It Down: When you go to Hollywood Boulevard, look for this file in the ticket window of the subway station.

Dear Moms: 3

  • 1: Dear Mothers, first Check the little trail across from the opening in the fence when you arrive at the broken gate that will allow you access to the Halperin Hotel. Before the gate, pick up the phone.
  • 2: The Dirtiest Job: Keep an eye out for a broken phone on the walkway leading from the Halperin Hotel’s lobby to its swimming pool.
  • 3: Broken: Look for the house that has been transformed into a military base in the heart of Beverly Hills. During your first visit to the area, it’s risky to approach this building in any way, yet its first level has this file taped to a glass wall.


  • 1: Alternative Plans: Go around Emma’s Bel-Air home to her tennis court. This file can be found on the couches nearby.
  • 2: Children’s Letters: If you are standing in front of the Halperin Hotel’s door from the outside, turn to your right and look for this item on one of the tables in the area where the evacuation point’s luggage is checked.
  • 3: Incident Report About Martial Law: Follow the road in Beverly Hills past the Monarch Studios exit to the northwest until you come to the wreckage at the end of the road. At that blockade, this file is perched atop a group of beige storage containers.
  • 4: Priority Evac: A red paramedic van is in the middle of the street with a bicycle crushed beneath its front wheel west of Francesca’s home in Beverly Hills, behind the burning barrier. Check the phone in the bike’s nearby basket.
  • 5: Happy Trails: As you pass through Bel-Air and reach Beverly Hills, turn to your right and look for the vintage car sitting in the quaint cul-de-sac. Read the message that was stuck to the window.
  • 6 Chris Chat: Read the tablet on top of the pile of large blue plastic boxes at the gate separating Beverly Hills from Monarch Studios.
  • Look for the car that has crashed through the chain-link fence above the canal on the southeast side of Venice Beach. In the area of the accident, take the phone.
  • 8: Slippery When Wet: On the Pier, seek for an abandoned phone on the ground by the dented steel shutter across from the Burger ’66 stand. This is a little bit simpler to see at night or during “Boardwalking Dead.”
  • 9: The Last Sprint: After completing the last main task, get back to the Metro. West from the fast-travel spot on the far side of the tunnel, you can now enter a CDC airlock that was blocked off to you during “The End of the Line.” A phone is lying on the floor in front of the vandalized wall when you enter that airlock. Below are its map coordinates as seen in the post-game of “The Art of War,” for your convenience.

Zombies Are Real?!: 13

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