iPhone 13: Noise cancellation still missing

iPhone 13: Noise cancellation still missing

The iPhone 13 still lacks noise cancellation, a problem that has been around since October.

Our everyday electronics have made huge strides. Miniaturization is always more important, productivity is always increased, sensors are always more accurate and diverse. This allows you to have a set of technologies that will fit in your hand or wrist. Or even in your ears. Noise cancellation, for example, is very useful to calm down or hear yourself clearly during a conversation. A technology that Apple owns but is still missing from the iPhone 13.

iPhone 13 still lacks noise cancellation

When you are on the phone, it is often appreciated by the person on the other end of the line to at least reduce background noise as much as possible, if possible, since TV, radio, music, etc. are involved. Indeed, phone microphones pick up everything these “stray”sounds, and the person listening to you may not hear you, or at least not hear you clearly. And the situation can be even more complicated if that person has hearing problems.

It’s for this reason that Apple has a feature built into iOS that allows users to turn on noise cancellation to help cancel out ambient noise that can negatively impact call quality. This is the accessibility feature we’re used to finding on the iPhone, but for some reason, the latter is missing from the iPhone 13.

The concern, which has been operating since October

Some speculate that this is due to a hardware issue, but rather it seems to be a flaw that the Cupertino company has yet to fix. User dagocarlito on Carlito was able to talk to Apple Support. He would reply that this is a known problem, but there is no solution for it yet.

Considering that this problem started last October and we are at the end of the year, this means that the problem has been around for two months and the Apple brand still hasn’t fixed it. When we also take into account that Apple likes to show off the many accessibility features built into its products, we say that its teams are working on the issue. Hopefully there will be a fix soon and this feature will be available on iPhone 13.

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