Fix Overwatch 2 timeout related to services error

Fix Overwatch 2 timeout related to services error

The launch of Overwatch 2 marks the end of all running servers for its predecessor. But that being said, it also suffers from a lot of bugs and issues. One of these technical issues includes a server-related bug that prevents players from joining matches. This error is caused by a message that OW 2 has timed out communicating with services. But don’t worry, we’ve put together a few possible fixes for this error. So, check out our guide on how to fix Overwatch 2’s services error timeout.

How to fix a timeout error when communicating with services in Overwatch 2

There is a high chance of encountering this error if the servers are down or down. So, check the status of the Overwatch 2 server before using any of the methods below. If the servers are up and running, the cause of this error may be different.

Here are a few ways to resolve the Services Communication Timeout error in OW 2:

Restart the launcher.

  • This is one of the most effective workarounds to resolve this error.
  • First, close the launcher. You can also use the Task Manager to force close the launcher.
  • Then launch the client to see if the error persists.

If so, try the next workaround for this error.

Check your internet connection

  • You may encounter server related errors and errors due to an unstable internet connection. Therefore, we recommend checking your internet connection.
  • If you are using a wireless connection, you can restart your router to resolve technical connection issues.
  • We suggest using an Ethernet rather than a wireless connection for an uninterrupted and stable connection.

Running the Launcher as an Administrator

  • Right-click the launcher. Then select the “Run as administrator”option.
  • This will allow you to get any permissions or privileges that might interfere with the launcher.

Hopefully this should resolve this error. But if the timeout error persists, try the next method.

Use a VPN – Eliminate timeout when communicating with in OW 2

  • You can use a VPN to get around a few connection issues or tweak your ISP’s routing.
  • There are several third party VPN apps. But make sure you download a trusted app to get around connection issues.
  • Once the VPN is installed, launch Overwatch 2 to check if the issue is still there.

Contact Blizzard Support

If the methods above didn’t work for you, we suggest contacting Blizzard Support (link) for further assistance. You can go to their website and contact them. While this may take a little time, chances are it can fix the timeout error.

That’s it for Overwatch 2’s Services timeout issue.

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