Researchers have developed a battery the size of a grain of rice

Researchers have developed a battery the size of a grain of rice

Researchers have developed a battery the size of a grain of rice but powerful enough to power a laptop computer.

The fact that our electronic devices are becoming more and more efficient and less and less is, of course, good for their everyday use, but creates enormous problems in their production. It is necessary to be able to integrate the necessary components into such small dimensions, and this is far from easy. The battery, for example, is an element that usually takes up a lot of space. Now, however, researchers have developed a battery the size of a grain of rice.

Researchers have developed a battery the size of a grain of rice

Many of our electronic gadgets today are very small and very thin. However, they still need to have a power source, whatever it may be. Researchers at the Chemnitz University of Technology have found a way to make a battery the size of a grain of rice.

With such a small size, the potential is simply incredible. Such a battery could find its place in biocompatible sensors that would find their place directly in the human body. Such a small battery is not new. Several similar projects have already seen the light of day, but unlike some of them, this battery is powerful enough to power large devices such as computers.

powerful enough to power a laptop

The researchers say their battery design was inspired by Swiss roll, with battery layers that roll up to take up minimal space, unlike the traditional batteries we use in our smartphones and laptops, which are long and flat and that the bigger they are, the more space they take up.

However, before dreaming of such microbatteries being integrated into our batteries, researchers must first complete their work, find a real use for them and organize their mass production at a limited cost. It’s hard to imagine that you can enjoy it for a long time. To be continued!

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