How to add captions to photos on iPhone and iPad

How to add captions to photos on iPhone and iPad

With thousands of photos and hundreds of videos being taken on our iPhones every day, it’s getting harder to recognize and remember which image or video was taken for what reason. Yes it can happen and it happened to me too!

Adding captions to these photos and videos on your iPhone can help you remember the purpose of that image. But Apple has added another feature called live captioning that can help you know what’s happening on the screen.

How to Add Captions to Your Photos or Videos on iPhone

  1. Open the Photos app.
  2. Select the desired photo or video.
  3. Swipe up on a photo or tap the (i) button in the toolbar.
  4. Tap Add Signature Field.
  5. Add your desired signature.
  6. Click “Done”in the top right corner.

It really is that easy to add a caption to your photos. The most interesting thing is that there is no limit on the number of words as such. You can add a one word title to the image, or add an essay if you like.

To remove the signature, follow the same process and then just click and clear the signature.

Once you have added a caption to photos or videos, you can,

  1. Click “Search”in the lower right corner.
  2. Find the caption you gave to find the photo.

While there may be different ways to distinguish photos from a gallery, adding captions is what I find to be one of the most convenient ways to distinguish images. It even helped me organize my photos and videos.

What is Live Subtitles on iPhone?

If you’re having trouble processing or listening to what’s happening on screen, live captioning is your savior. To understand how live subtitles work and enable them, follow our full explanation on how to use live subtitles.


Adding captions to photos on iPhone is amazing if you use it. Since there is no restriction on description in the title field as such, you can write down the whole story behind it and remember the same. If you’re a frequent snapper like me, you should start using captions on your iPhone.

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