How to Succeed with Genji in Overwatch 2 (Tips and Tricks)

How to Succeed with Genji in Overwatch 2 (Tips and Tricks)

Genji is one of the first characters you unlock, but he has quite a bit of training time if you want to master him. Many players end up making rookie mistakes, mainly because there are quite a few tricks you need to know to get the most kills as a DPS hero. Here’s how to succeed with Genji in Overwatch 2 if you want to play him, especially in competitive mode.

How to Succeed at Genji in Overwatch 2 (Pro Tips)

While our guide on how to play Genji covers the basics of this character, this is a collection of tips and tricks from pro and high-ranking players (Top 500) who are the top Genji.

Use an accurate volley of 3 projectiles (shurikens) when the enemy is at a distance. Arc Throw is best used when there are enemies nearby.

Reflect projectiles, but watch out for attacks that are NOT projectiles. For example, you have to be careful about characters that fire beams.

With Swift Strike, Genji can quickly dash forward and deal damage to enemies. The best part is that elimination resets the cooldown. If you initiate this while surrounded by enemies, you can get consecutive kills and hopefully POTG.

Avoid difficult situations by climbing walls and jumping with double jumps. Practice your moves and make them erratic so hitscan players can’t headshot you. Genji players can also use wall climbing to catch snipers off guard.

Practice flanking enemies, draining their HP and getting out of the way quickly. If the enemy player doesn’t have a fast reaction time, you can easily kill him right here.

The best supports for Genji might be Mercy and Ana, so if you have either or both of them on your team, you’ll probably get more kills and maybe even a solo carry.

Another thing you have to master in range training is the distance and impact of your attacks. Change the location of your Genji and change the hero you are attacking to see how much damage he takes and how much health he has. Knowing this like the back of your hand will help you find your targets better.

When training against AI, on the training ground or in custom games, focus on accuracy first and then on speed. After all, they might team up to make you OP Genji.

Don’t forget that you can jump into the air and get a Mercy, Pharah (or Pharmercy) and Echo player which may require some practice on your part.

Before using your abilities or melee attacks, always right-click to guarantee kills. You can practice shuriken + dash + melee combo to deal damage. If it becomes muscle memory, matches will become easier for you.

Keep an eye on the number of shurikens you have before heading into the crowd of enemies.

Use dash when you see an enemy away from the group, especially on high ground. This, along with your deflection, will result in a kill while the team is focused elsewhere and the healers may not be nearby either.

If you’re facing enemies like Moira, Winston, Dawn, Echo, Roadhog, and Symmetra, you’ll need to be extra careful because they can deal quite a lot of damage to Genji. Apart from these specific attacks by Cassidy (his Magnetic Grenade), Torbjorn’s Turrets and Mei’s Endothermic Blaster can also be difficult for Genji.

If you end up getting really close to the enemies, be sure to use your double jump to jump over them while keeping your crosshair on their heads. So you stand a chance of surviving this 1v1 battle. Here is a list of custom playable maps where you can practice aiming on both static and moving enemies.

Last but not least, despite the fact that Genji is a “hyper”hero, you must remain calm while tracking the enemies’ heads throughout the game. Therefore, you need to avoid panicky camera movements if you are new to Genji and calmly plan your next move. It will take time, but eventually it will happen.

So once you master the mechanics, combos, moves, and accompany your teammates’ attacks with dashes or your own abilities, you can succeed with Genji in Overwatch 2. If you face a powerful Genji player from the opponents in your match, you can watch a match replay to see what they did to get those kills.

I hope these tips have helped you.

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