How to get to underground waterways in Genshin Impact

How to get to underground waterways in Genshin Impact

There are many areas to explore in Genshin Impact, but some of them can be challenging, such as underground waterways. Exploring the world around you is an important part of the gameplay in Genshin Impact. With such beautifully designed areas and unique aesthetics, you’ll want to explore it all. The game is also frequently updated with new locations to explore. Let’s see how you can explore and get to one of these places called the Underground Waterways.

How to get to underground waterways in Genshin Impact

To get to the underground waterways in Genshin Impact, you first need to make sure the Chasm: Underground Mines teleport waypoint is unlocked and usable. This area is located in Liyue District, near the main Abyss Mine.

Once you teleport here, you will need to stick to the walls and head west towards the cave entrance. You will know that you are going in the right direction if you see small puddles of water on the ground. Moving further into the cave, you will find some friendly agents of Fatui standing near the huts. You can accept a side quest from them or just move forward.

After crossing the friendly agents of Fatui at this point you should stick to the walls on the right side. You will see a path leading up in elevation, this is where you need to go. This path will take you to a large open cavern called the Underground Waterways. Once in this area, you can open the map and make sure you are right where the map says “Underground Waterway”.

This is how you can get to the underground waterways in Genshin Impact. For more articles like this one, check out our other Genshin Impact guides.

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