How to pet dogs in Diablo 4

How to pet dogs in Diablo 4

Years of waiting for a new Diablo game are coming to an end. Diablo 4 release date set for June 6th. To prepare for release and show fans what they’re working on, Blizzard has launched an open beta of the game. Players can connect online and test everything the game has to offer. Many fans were surprised to see that dogs have been added to the world of Sanctuary. But a more important question: can you pet dogs in Diablo 4?

Can you pet dogs in Diablo 4?

Each new sequel needs to build on its predecessor and add something special to the formula, and Diablo 4 is no different. The Open Beta gives players the chance to check out all the new improvements that have been made to the game. Many were expecting a sweeping change in the wake of the mixed reviews for Diablo 3, but this new direction seemed to take everyone by surprise. One such surprise is the addition of dogs to the world of Diablo. These dogs can be found roaming the streets of various cities that you can find in the game. Now that there are dogs in the game, can players pet them?

Yes! You can pet any dog ​​you meet in Diablo 4. Walk up to a dog you spot, open the action wheel by pressing E on your keyboard, and select the Hello emote. This should make your character lean over and pet the dog you just met. For a game as complex and unforgiving as Diablo 4, it’s nice that developers Bizzard took the time to add dogs to the game. Dogs in Diablo 4 have a rare feature – they are the only animals that can be petted. So, now that you know that you can pet dogs in the game, you should find and pet all the dogs you can in Diablo 4.

That’s all we have on how to pet dogs in Diablo 4. Check out How to Create a Clan or Join a Clan in Diablo 4 and other Diablo 4 guides.

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