How to Fix Samsung Dryer Not Heating Up

How to Fix Samsung Dryer Not Heating Up

Samsung is a jack of all trades. He produces everything. From the best smartphones to the best hardware in the industry, Samsung has cracked the code for just about everything. The same goes for Samsung washing machines and dryers. However, what happens when the Samsung dryer does not heat up?

Many users often encounter a problem when the Samsung washing machine dryer does not heat up. In such a situation, it is always better to take the washing machine to a service center. But if your product is out of warranty, it’s a bit of a pain to do it yourself. With that said, let’s start our guide.


Why is my Samsung dryer not heating up?

There can be many reasons why Samsung Dryer does not heat up. To begin with, the most common reason for Samsung dryers not heating up is overloaded laundry. If you fill the laundry basket with more than the specified weight, the washing machine will not work.

Further, the Samsung dryer will not heat up if your home is in a place with frequent voltage fluctuations. This is because the Samsung dryer is heated by a heating coil and stable electricity.

And if there are voltage fluctuations, you can be sure that you will have problems. Whatever the reason for your Samsung dryer not heating up, read our troubleshooting guide.

How to Fix Samsung Dryer Not Heating Up

Here we have listed six fixes to fix Samsung dryer not heating issue. If your washing machine is under warranty, don’t go below the third fix because that will void your warranty. In this case, contact the service center directly or call Samsung to arrange home delivery.

Fix 1: Look for Overload

The first step in troubleshooting a Samsung dryer not heating up is to check how much laundry is in the laundry basket. Most domestic Samsung dryers have a nominal capacity of 6 to 9 kg. If you exceed this capacity, your washing machine will not work properly.

Be sure to look at the back of the washing machine. There you will find the prescribed capacity of the machine and then unload the excess load. Once you get rid of the extra load, try turning on the dryer to check. If this doesn’t work, move on to the next fix.

Fix 2: Check for voltage fluctuations

Although the world is moving at a fast pace and technology is also advancing, voltage fluctuations are common throughout this world. If there is no stable voltage in your area, the Samsung dryer will not heat up. You can use a voltmeter to check for voltage fluctuations.

If you notice that there is a problem with this, you need to install a stabilizer. After installation, turn on the washing machine, place the laundry in the dryer and check if it gets hot. If not, follow the next fix.

Fix 3: Check Thermal Fuse

If the above fixes do not help, the thermal fuse needs to be checked. The thermal fuse is often located on the back or top of the washing machine and is easily accessible with a Philips screwdriver. We can’t determine the appropriate size, but it’s tiny with 4 heads.

Remember that the fuse is at the top if your washer is front loading. If it is a top load, then the fuse is at the back. Now that you know where to remove the housing, unscrew the fuse housing and check if any fuse is blown. If yes, replace it. Fuses are readily available on the market. Follow the next fix if that doesn’t solve your problem.

Fix 4: Check the heating element

Note. This is an advanced technique that may require specialist supervision. Please contact the service center if you are not trained in this.

If the Samsung dryer does not heat up, there is a 50% chance that the heating element is not working. So, you need a multimeter and check if the heating element is good. Do it:

  • For top loading: Open the back of the washing machine and remove the entire cabinet.
  • For front loading: Open the front of the washing machine and remove the entire body.
  • As shown in the screenshot, you will see a thin plate covering the innards. Unscrew it and the heating element will be in your hand.
  • Use a multimeter to check if there are any problems.

If you find a problem with the heating element, buy a new one and install it. If the heating element looks good and the multimeter is not reporting shorts, continue to the next troubleshooting.

Fix 5: Check Control Board Heater Relay

The control board heater relay supplies power to the heater element, thermostat, and dehumidifier. If there is a problem with the control board heater relay, the Samsung dryer does not heat up. CBHR is also known as the brain of the washing machine.

However, we would like to warn you once again that this is a complicated procedure, and if you do not have experience with such electronics, it is better to take it to a service center and entrust it to professionals.

So, follow these steps to check CBHR:

  • For top loading: Open the back of the washing machine and remove the entire cabinet.
  • For front loading: Open the front of the washing machine and remove the entire body.
  • Just where you saw the heating element, there is a CBHR above it. So, unscrew it and you have CBHR.
  • Disconnect it, take it out and check with a multimeter.
  • If you find any fault, it is better to buy a new one and replace it.

We do not offer heater relay repairs because once repaired, it will need service again every month or two. So, replace it and fix the problem.

Fix 6: Visit a Service Center

If none of the above fixes worked for you, it’s best to take your washing machine to a service center and get it fixed. What’s more, if your washing machine is under warranty, you don’t need to do anything after Fix 3.

This is because if you do anything from fix 4, your warranty will be voided and you will be on your own. So it is better to contact the service center and entrust it to professionals.

bottom line

Well, that’s all we have on how you can fix your Samsung dryer not getting hot on your washing machine. We hope this guide has helped you. Again, most of these fixes are advanced, so if you’re not familiar with electronics, don’t do this and take it to a service center. Let us know in the comments section what the pros did to get your dryer up and running.

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