How to Spot a Fake Apple Charger

How to Spot a Fake Apple Charger

Buying a cheap fake Apple charger can be tempting, especially since they are widely available and affordable. However, the significant real-life dangers associated with this are not worth the few dollars you save by buying a fake Apple charger.

Counterfeit Apple chargers are getting harder to spot, and replicas look very much like the real thing — at least on the surface. You may need to open and inspect the components of the product to be sure.

The good thing is that there are many ways to spot a fake Apple charger. Below, I will cover all the clear signs that you have a fake Apple charger and why you should get rid of it as soon as possible.

The Danger of Using a Counterfeit Apple Charger

Legitimate manufacturers such as Apple and third party vendors are subject to stringent controls to ensure that their products comply with government and safety standards.

On the contrary, fakes are made only for the purpose of making a profit. These devices are unlikely to pass the same safety tests as the original chargers. They make them as cheap as possible without any premium for their safety and reliability.

An old report from 2016 shows that a whopping 99% of chargers fail basic safety tests and pose a risk of electric shock and fire. A similar test in 2017 by British electrical safety experts found that 98% of counterfeit and imitation chargers failed one or more of the mechanical and electrical tests and were unsuitable for sale and use.

At the very least, these fake Apple chargers run the risk of damaging the connected device. Worse, these chargers can overheat, catch fire, cause serious electric shock, or even electrocute a person.

There are stories of these fake chargers suddenly exploding or electrocuting a person when using the device connected to a power source.

Apple has reported that 90% of adapters and cables sold on online platforms such as Amazon are counterfeit. To help their customers, they put a Made for Apple (MFi) badge on the boxes of their recommended accessories.

Issues you may encounter with a fake Apple charger

If you are using an uncertified or counterfeit Apple charger, you are likely to experience the following issues:

  • it may damage your device
  • it may fall or fail to attach or fit to your device
  • the end of the connection may become too hot
  • it may not be compatible with your device, making it impossible to charge or sync.

This is a common culprit for the “This accessory may not be supported”issue.

How to spot a fake Apple charger

You do not need to have specialized equipment to detect fakes. Let me teach you a few ways to spot a fake Apple charger. Below are real and fake samples of Apple chargers.

While most of them are uncomplicated, it would be helpful if you had an authentic product to compare with, or if you have someone familiar with authentic products.


The easiest way to identify fake cables and accessories is to check their packaging. You should look for the MFi badge on their packaging. This will save you from buying a fake.

While many counterfeit manufacturers even copy the MFi labels on their boxes, many other knockoffs do not, so this can still be useful.

Some people search and verify the serial number of an Apple charger. However, they are not as reliable as counterfeit products can also copy and use serial numbers.

Text and labeling

Look at the appearance of the fork and check for errors such as spelling errors, incorrect spaces, etc. Labels may also be missing. Be sure to check the manufacturer’s logo, model, and lot number.

You should also see the “CE”safety marking. However, this can be easily faked.

Examine the Apple Lightning to USB cable. It should say “Designed by Apple in California”and “Assembled in Vietnam”, “Assembled in China”, or “Indústria Brasileira”within seven inches of the USB connector. You should also see a 12 digit serial number after this text.

Lightning to USB cable and connector

You should also look at the end of the connector or the parallel gold or silver pins on the connector. You should see a solid piece, smooth, rounded contacts.

Non-certified or counterfeit Apple chargers are made up of several parts. Fake connectors appear rough, with an uneven or inconsistent surface. It can also be square instead of round.

Genuine USB boot zipper is 7.7mm by 12mm. Many counterfeit Apple chargers have cases of varying lengths.

The original connectors also come with gray or metal front panel inserts. If you see white or black inserts, it’s a fake.

If you’re looking for the best USB-C chargers for your iPhone, we’ve got you covered. You can also look into wireless chargers for your iPhone, which are said to be more durable than their wired counterparts.

End of USB connector

The end of the USB connector of the original Apple charger has trapezoidal locks on the case. These locks are located at an equal distance from the edges. Counterfeit chargers have corner locks spaced at inconsistent distances from each other.

USB contacts on genuine Apple chargers are gold-plated, while counterfeit chargers are silver-plated.

The surface of the USB case is flat and has a smooth, uniform texture. Meanwhile, the fake charger usually has a rough or grainy USB surface.

When you look inside, the surface of the insulator should be uniform and even. You may notice notches or indentations on fakes.

USB port

Now it’s time to take a look at the Apple Power Adapter. The original USB port has a serial number on the back of the USB port. The fake USB ports are in the wrong orientation.

Plug contacts

The pins on counterfeit Apple chargers may differ significantly from the location and dimensions required for safety. This can be harder to test and will require a plug test.

They should have a matte, high-quality finish. Meanwhile, most fake Apple chargers are glossy and shiny. They may also be irregular or have tiny gaps.

You can check if the pins of the plug are fake by plugging the charger into a socket. Do it without connecting to any device. Check if the charger fits easily. There must be at least 9.5 mm between the edge of the contacts and the edge of the charger.


Fake chargers are made from more durable materials. Pins are usually made of hollow, metal-coated plastic, while original Apple accessories are made of solid metal.

One easy way to check is to click a pin and listen to the sound it makes. Fake ones make a dull plastic sound instead of a solid metal one.


Counterfeit products use lower quality materials and contain very few ingredients to ensure product safety. For example, wires in counterfeit chargers are not secured or protected, and transformer windings are not sufficiently insulated.

Chargers must weigh at least 40 grams (g). Anything that is significantly lighter may be a fake.

Warnings and Instructions

Another place to check is the user manual. Since user manuals contain many details about the product, it is not uncommon for errors to be found. First, manuals for original Apple products come with a professional binding, while fake ones come with a large staple.

Inconsistencies, spelling mistakes, and unusual spacing are also common.


This is a clear hoax, but the unusually low price of an Apple adapter is a clear sign that it is a fake.


Fake products are everywhere. If you’re tempted to buy a fake Apple charger because of its low price, be aware of the potential dangers it can bring. This may not only damage your device, but also cause it to overheat, cause electric shock or fire.

To be on the safe side, it’s best to buy Apple accessories directly from Apple, or from reputable and Apple-certified third-party vendors.

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