How to disable emergency and AMBER alerts on iPhone (2023)

How to disable emergency and AMBER alerts on iPhone (2023)

We all want to take our minds off the flood of notifications on our smartphones. As such, the iPhone has a number of features such as Do Not Disturb and Focus Modes that allow users to block unwanted notifications and calls. But when emergencies happen, it is important that you receive certain warnings.

In these circumstances, emergency notifications bypass your Do Not Disturb or other Focus settings—often accompanied by a special sound similar to a fire alarm. Luckily, you can disable these alerts on your device. Read on to find out how to turn off emergency and yellow alerts on your iPhone.

What emergency and government alerts will be displayed on your iPhone?

In the event of an emergency, whether it’s a natural disaster, missing or kidnapped children (more on that in a moment) or other national emergencies (called Presidential Alerts), your iPhone will notify you and ignore any Do Not Disturb and Do Not Disturb settings. focusing”..

Typically, your iPhone may display any of the following:

  • Alerts from your country or region
  • Warnings for Imminent Threats to Life or Safety
  • Disaster and extreme weather alerts
  • AMBER (Missing America: Emergency Response)
  • Public safety warnings

It is important to note that alerts and notifications are location dependent. Some alerts may not be available in your region or country. For example, AMBER alerts and Public Safety Alerts are not available in all countries and regions.

If you live in the United States, you will receive three types of government alerts:

  • AMBER Alerts
  • Emergency alerts
  • Public safety warnings

What are AMBER alerts?

AMBER alerts are alerts designed to alert the public to missing children who are believed to have been abducted. It provides information on the children, alleged kidnappers, and contact numbers for people to contact if found.

These alerts are used only in the most serious child abduction cases, where law enforcement believes the child is in imminent danger of bodily harm or death.

How to disable government alerts on iPhone

Government alerts are turned on by default on iPhone. To turn off AMBER alerts and other emergency alerts, simply do the following:

  1. Go to Settings → select Notifications and scroll down.
  2. Disable AMBER Alerts, Emergency Alerts, and Public Safety Alerts.

Also, if you are using a US-registered SIM card, you can choose to receive test emergency alerts. Please be aware that while this is an iPhone feature, local governments have the sole discretion to dispose of content shared through test alerts.


While iPhone allows you to customize most of the alert tones, you can’t change the emergency and amber alert tone. Remember that the purpose of these warnings is to draw your attention and alert you to impending danger.

While alerts can be annoying or disturbing, it’s a good idea to keep them turned on because threats like natural disasters can pop up at any time, and your iPhone’s alerts can literally save your life or someone else’s. They are also rare, meaning that their benefits far outweigh the minimal irritation and disruption they can cause.


Government and public alerts are designed to save lives in the event of an emergency. It’s ideal if you keep them on as they can provide important information and updates in the event of a disaster. But if you want to disable them, just follow the instructions in this article.

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