How to beat Krauser in RE4 Remake (Normal and Transformed)

How to beat Krauser in RE4 Remake (Normal and Transformed)

Krauser is a difficult boss to defeat in the new RE4 remake. He is also a boss that appears in two different chapters of this game. And while most players can handle the first encounter with little to no problems, the second one can be a real pain. So, here is a short guide on how to defeat Krauser (regular and transformed) in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

How to beat Krauser in Resident Evil 4 Remake

You need to parry Krauser’s knife attacks and attack him to defeat him in RE4 Remake. As mentioned earlier, in this game you fight Krauser twice. The first time in chapter 11 and the second time in chapter 14.

Before diving into the details, there are a few spoilers ahead. So now that you’ve been warned about this, here’s how you can defeat Major Krauser in Resident Evil 4 Remake.

Battle with Krauser in Chapter 11

The combat in chapter 11 is pretty simple, Krauser will only attack you with melee attacks. Here are the tricks he can use against you:

  • Slashing Attacks: Krauser will hit you with his knife. Parry this attack to stun him. This will allow you to land a melee hit on him, which you can follow up with a few extra hits.
  • Jump Kick: He will jump and kick you with a kick that can land on your chest. Use dodge to avoid getting hit.
  • Low Kick: He will try to hit you with a low kick. Again, be sure to dodge him in time so you don’t take a lot of damage from him.
  • Jump Behind You: Krauser will sometimes jump behind you and then run towards you, trying to hit you.

After the cutscene, the chapter will end and the next time you meet him is in chapter 14.

Chapter 14 Krauser’s Battle – Resident Evil 4 Remake

This is more of a tactical fight than the one you fought him in Chapter 11. Here, Krauser will use weapons, grenades, traps, as well as melee attacks to get rid of you. But this section actually takes you to the final battle. You may consider it more of an obstacle that you have to deal with rather than a real struggle. So, here is the strategy for completing chapter 14 of RE4 Remake:

  • When the fight starts, the Krauser will shoot explosive ammunition at you. Hide behind the columns and make your way upstairs.
  • This is where Krauser will ambush you for hand to hand combat, this section is similar to chapter 11 but he can step back from time to time to use his weapons.
  • Deal with him and he will temporarily leave, use the yellow door flap to open the path ahead.
  • Go through the door below that you just unlocked and you will enter a room full of traps.
  • Make sure you move slowly and take out any wire traps, bear traps, and camera turrets as you move forward. Also, be prepared for Krauser to sometimes get ambushed while you keep moving.
  • Grab the red herb when you get to the top. Also, break crates here to collect ammo or other resources.
  • You will then reach an area where Krauser will shoot you.
  • Don’t worry, you have a lot of skins to use. But you need to be quick and not stay in one place for too long. Also remember that some of these shelters will be destroyed, especially those with a brick wall.
  • When you get to the door, Krauser will throw grenades, you should turn back immediately and not enter.
  • Once you pass through this door, you will again have a hand-to-hand fight with Krauser.

A cutscene will play here, and this is where Krauser’s transformed battle will begin.

How to defeat the transformed Krauser in RE4 Remake

In order to defeat the transformed Krauser in Resident Evil 4 Remake, you need to stun him with a parry and use all your firepower. When this fight starts, Krauser will attack you and drop you down a level. You will find yourself in a dark room where you can find several boxes that you need to destroy in order to get loot.

Exit this room and go up the stairs. During the exploration, there will be moments when the Krauser will attack you. Once you reach the top, the final battle will begin here.

  • Wait for Krauser to attack, then parry, this will stun him.
  • Then use melee attacks to slow him down even more.
  • While he’s down, use your shotgun or submachine gun and hit him as much as you can.
  • Don’t shoot at his arms or when he’s blocking, as it won’t do him any damage and you’ll just waste ammo.
  • Repeat the above steps until you get the “You used to be a good guy”trophy.

After the cutscene ends, you will eliminate Krauser. As a reward, you will receive a Combat Knife.

That covers this guide on how to defeat Krauser in Resident Evil 4 Remake both in chapters 11 and 14 and in his transformed form. Since it’s near the end of the game, if you’re planning on replaying it, our guides on how to survive the village battle and a list of all the achievements should come in handy.

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