How to defeat a stranger in God of War

How to defeat a stranger in God of War

Since the release of God of War Ragnarok last year, many players have been returning to God of War (2018) to experience the world and its characters. But both new and old players face a wall called the Stranger. He’s the first real challenge in the game and we’re here to help. Here is your guide on how to defeat the Stranger in God of War.

How to defeat the Stranger in God of War

The fight with the stranger has four different phases, but his attack pattern between them remains the same.

  • Dash: This is an attack in which the Stranger rushes towards you and deals damage. This is indicated by its luminous blue color.
  • Ground Slam: This attack is indicated by the Stranger’s red glow, i.e. this is an unblockable attack. The stranger strikes the ground, affecting the area in front of him.
  • Air Strike: This attack is only for the fourth and final phase of the battle. The stranger will glow red before jumping into the air and attempting to swoop down on the player’s position.

These are all the basic attacks the Stranger can do. Now let’s see how to counter them.

How to beat a stranger

First phase

Use this phase to learn the Stranger’s patterns and perfect your counterattacks against both of his main attacks. Block his dash with your shield, this will stun him if timed correctly. Since the ground slam is an unblockable attack, always dodge or roll to the side to avoid getting hit. Try to juggle the Wanderer to block it from attacking. This can be done by hitting him with a heavy attack and juggling continuous attacks.

Second and third stage

The stranger is very passive in these phases and your goal should be to rush and spam the attack in order to deplete his health quickly.

Fourth phase

The final phase of this attack is the hardest, as the fight speeds up and the Stranger adds a new attack to his template. The airstrike can be countered by paying attention to the cloud of snow that gathers on the ground when the Stranger is in the air. This indicates his landing spot, just dodge to stay safe.

That’s all it takes to defeat the Stranger in God of War. If you also want to know how to get the Zeus armor in GOW, here is our guide to help you.

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