How to get the black leg fighting skill in Fruit Warriors

How to get the black leg fighting skill in Fruit Warriors

Want to know how to get the Black Leg in Fruit Warriors? Then you are in the right place. Black Leg is a combat skill that can turn your legs into weapons. Combat Style gives you access to two powerful moves – Air Kick and Air Kick. If you are interested in learning fighting skills in this Roblox game, please follow the steps given in our guide below.

How to get black leg in Fruit Warriors

To learn the Black Leg fighting style in Fruit Warriors, you first need to have at least 50 Strength, 50 Stamina, and 50,000 White. Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to travel to Jungle Island to meet the Black Leg Master. Once you get to the island, go to the Gorilla Boss area. Here you will see a small hut in which you will find Blackleg Master.

After handing in 50,000 beli to the teacher, you will learn the Black Leg combat skill. Your default fighting style will now be replaced with this brand new style. Many people find it difficult to master the Black Leg skill due to the requirements. Stamina is fairly easy to build, and Beli can also be earned quickly by completing missions. But the biggest problem that players face is building strength. We’ll show you how you can do it quickly right here:

How to increase strength in Fruit Warriors

The standard way to develop your character’s strength is to fight bosses and enemies. However, keep in mind that no weapons can be used. You can only increase Strength by fighting unarmed. The best part is that you don’t even have to beat a real enemy in Fruit Warriors. You can also gain strength by fighting the shadow. So, if there is no enemy near you, just start attacking and hitting the air. Your strength will reach 50 in no time!

That’s all you need to know about how to get the Black Leg in Fruit Warriors.

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