How to get verified on TikTok: 5 steps to get a blue check

How to get verified on TikTok: 5 steps to get a blue check

Even if you’re not trying to be the next Charlie D’Amelio, it’s worth figuring out how to get verified on TikTok.

After all, the social media network has around 1 billion monthly active users. This is a huge potential audience to take advantage of.

Verified TikTok accounts benefit from wider reach and a certain number of credits. The confirmation badge is essentially a seal of approval from the overlords of TikTok.

If you’re wondering how to get your own blue tick, read on. Here’s what verification is, why it’s important, and five steps to help you get verified on TikTok.

What does it mean to get verified on TikTok?

As with other social platforms, a blue checkmark on TikTok means the account’s identity has been verified. The check is usually reserved for celebrities, brands, or influencers. These accounts are more likely to be targeted by copycats.

But you don’t have to be Bella Hadid to pass the test. In fact, there are all kinds of businesses (like Spikeball!) that are TikTok verified.

Why get verified on TikTok?

In short, checking out on TikTok can help build and strengthen your brand. Whether you’re a musician, actor, writer, or even a business owner, a verified TikTok badge can take your career to the next level.

But here’s more details on why checking is worth it.


You know how there are always social media accounts pretending to be NBA insiders on the day the auction ends? The confirmation icon means that TikTok has verified your identity. That blue check next to your username inspires confidence and tells viewers that you are the real deal.

Source: Hootsuite on TikTok


There are unconfirmed reports that the TikTok algorithm favors verified accounts. This means verified accounts are more likely to show up in your FYP. More impressions means more likes, which can lead to more followers.


Verified accounts often interact with other verified accounts. Verification means that your favorite celebrities or influencers on the app can actually reply to your comments and private messages. They may even respond to your inquiries about business partnerships.

Source: Ryanair on TikTok

How many followers do you need to get verified on TikTok?

This is not Fight Club, where everyone knows the rules. The TikTok verification process is not entirely clear. There is no threshold beyond which you receive automatic verification, and unlike other platforms, you cannot request verification on TikTok.

Some popular creators have hundreds of thousands of followers (even millions!) but no blue checkmark.

Source: Cat the Dog Groomer on TikTok

Instead, TikTok uses its own secret verification system. The staff seeks out and issues TikTok endorsement badges to reward users for high-quality popular content. But there is some data that TikTok is looking for that might help in your case.

Of course, you can get around all of this if you’re, you know, super famous. There are zero-post verified celebrities on the platform (*ahem* Tom Cruise).

Not quite famous yet? Keep reading.

How to get verified on TikTok

Other than Jack Black or Justin Bieber (or another famous person with the initials JB), there aren’t many ways to get verified on TikTok. (And no, you can’t buy TikTok verification. Beware of scammers!)

But here are some tips and tricks to help you get the attention of the TikTok employees who are handing out the coveted blue check.

Step 1: Find your niche and keep producing

Building any brand on social media means posting popular and authentic content every day. Once you become known for something, it will be easier for you to attract, retain and develop your followers. That’s why it’s so important to start developing catchy, engaging content and keep your finger on the pulse.

This helps keep up with TikTok challenges and their hashtags. TikTok users have been proven to like brands that participate in TikTok trends.

And since music is one of the most important factors in TikTok, you need to be aware of the songs and artists that are trending on the platform. Including them in your videos can be an easy way to capitalize on their popularity.

Plus, there’s always a chance that entering a viral dance contest will bring in a stitch or duet from another verified TikTok account.


I love u TikTok! TAG ME IN UR VIDEOS CUS I SEE UUUUUU ????????????? dc @jaedengomezz

♬ About Damn Time – Lizzo

You will also want to analyze your own videos. What type of content works well, and what kind of content lands with a big thud? This can help measure the impact of your content and show you what posting time gives you the best results.

Step 2: Make yourself known to the media

It turns out that the traditional platforms for creating stars are still relevant! Who knew?

But it’s not just traditional media coverage. Yes, it definitely helps to get into a magazine or newspaper, TV or radio. But appearing in online publications, YouTube clips, and podcasts with other respected creators is also a great way to spread your message.

Guess what? These places are also looking for content. You just have to give them a reason to want to introduce you.

TikTok star Elise Myers has gone mega viral after her worst date story ever. But appearing in People magazine probably didn’t hurt her subscriber count either.


I haven’t been to a @tacobell since. #coffeetalk #theadhdway #firstdatefail #tacobell

♬ original sound — Elyse Myers

It helps to follow current news or current topics. If people want to hear your opinion on the latest news, your chances of getting noticed will increase.

Step 3. Get verified on another social network.

Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter allow you to apply for verification. This doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easier to pass the test, but it is a little easier.

Each of these platforms has its own set of qualities that users must meet in order to be verified:

  • Facebook likes to verify accounts that are professional brand ambassadors.
  • Twitter checks for prominent active accounts that fall into one of six different categories. In some cases, you will be required to provide proof of fame or authenticity.
  • Instagram is a tough nut to crack. Basically, it will only check accounts that have a good chance of being impersonated.

Verifying on other social platforms increases your chances of getting verified on TikTok. A blue tick on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram lets the TikTok team know you’re a person with a real reputation online. And you can connect these accounts to your TikTok account.

So run those verification processes!

Step 4: Go viral

This may seem obvious. But most TikTik accounts have at least one major viral explosion before being verified. Landing on the platform’s “For You”page can significantly increase your followers and viewers and bring TikTok to you.


Best lunch of the week!

♬ original sound — Emily Mariko

High activity and engagement are two key metrics that TikTok looks for when checking accounts. Virality checks these fields perfectly.

While there is no scientific formula for spreading a virus on TikTok, there are several ways to help your cause. Here are some ways to do it:

  • Start the video in a catchy way. You have to make sure that your video grabs attention in the first couple of seconds, otherwise users will just scroll through it. This TikTok user video of friends reacting to your ex immediately opens in a very memorable way.

friends hate your ex more than anyone

♬ original sound — themermaidscales

  • Tell a story. Not all dancers. Those who can effectively communicate their point of view in a funny or witty way have an advantage. But…
  • Keep your video as short as possible. TikTok evaluates average watch time when judging quality. Viewers are more likely to watch an entire 8-10 second video than a minute video. This beautiful video by Mayim Bialik features a sugar glider and is only 12 seconds long.

I can’t stop watching this. ?? #animals #cute

♬ I Believe I Can Fly – James Ingram

  • Reply to comments. This can help you reach potential subscribers and make sure more people see your video. You should try to build a community with every post.

Step 5: Follow the Rules

As with any other social media platform, TikTok will review accounts that comply with the Community Guidelines and Terms of Service. If you break these rules, TikTok moderators will tag your account. Unfortunately, tagging can lower your chances of getting verified.

Last tip

Although it sounds counterintuitive, don’t get too hung up on checking. If you follow the steps and score higher in a natural and authentic way, you will reach your goal. Just don’t forget to have fun too.


Homemade Pasta w/ @nick.digiovanni

♬ original sound — lynja

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