How to get verified on Instagram in 2022 [6 easy steps]

How to get verified on Instagram in 2022 [6 easy steps]

If you want to learn how to get verified on Instagram, you’ve come to the right place.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to apply for that coveted blue badge (this is the easy part) and give you some tips to help you qualify (this is the hard part).

What does Instagram verification mean?

Instagram verification is the process of obtaining a blue checkmark icon that tells other users on the platform that the account actually belongs to the user, artist, brand, or organization it represents.

You’ve probably seen a lot of confirmation icons. As with Twitter, Facebook and, yes, Tinder, the little blue checkmarks mean the platform has verified that the account in question is trustworthy, or at least they are who they say they are.

These badges are meant to highlight real accounts so Instagram users can be sure they’re following the right person or brand. They are easy to find in search results and profiles, and they speak of authority.

Source: @creators

It’s easy to see why confirmation icons are also a welcome status symbol. They are rare, and exclusivity confers a certain amount of prestige that may or may not lead to better interactions.

However, it is clear on Instagram that verified accounts (just like business accounts) receive no special treatment from the Instagram algorithm. In other words, if it’s true that verified accounts get higher engagement on average, it’s because they post great content that resonates with their audience.

Who can get verified on Instagram?

Anyone can request a verified badge on Instagram. However, Instagram is notoriously picky (and largely cryptic) about who actually gets verified. So, if you’re using an account that’s right on the cusp of “famous,”how do you know if you qualify?

Just because you have a blue check mark on Twitter or Facebook, for example, doesn’t guarantee you’ll get it on Instagram.

Instagram explicitly says that “only certain public figures, celebrities, and brands have verified Instagram badges.”In other words: “only accounts with a high probability of impersonating someone else.”

Here’s what we know about rights.

First, you must comply with the Network’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. In addition, your account must meet each of the following criteria:

  • Authentic: Does your account represent a real person, registered business or brand? You cannot be a meme page or a fan account.
  • Uniqueness: Only one account per person or company can be verified on Instagram, excluding accounts for a specific language.
  • Public: Private Instagram accounts are not subject to verification.
  • Full: Do you have a full bio, profile picture, and at least one post?
  • Notable: This is where things get subjective, but Instagram defines a well-known name as “well-known”and “popular”.

If you’re relatively sure you meet these criteria, or if you just feel like rolling the dice, it’s time to verify your Instagram account.

How to get verified on Instagram in 6 steps

If you’re a visual learner, check out our video that walks you through everything you need to know about Instagram identity verification. Otherwise, keep reading!

The Instagram verification process is actually quite simple:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap the hamburger icon in the top right corner.
  2. Click “Settings”.
  3. Click Account
  4. Click “Request Confirmation”.
  5. Fill out the application form.
    • Your legal name
    • Your “known as” or work name (if applicable)
    • Select your category or industry (e.g. blogger/influencer, sports, news/media, business/brand/organisation, etc.)
    • You will also need to provide a photo of your official government-issued ID. For individuals, this could be a driver’s license or passport. For businesses, a utility bill, official business document, or tax returns will do.
  6. Tap Submit.

According to Instagram, after their team reviews your application, you will receive a response in the notifications tab. Due to historical and current issues with scammers, Instagram is very clear that they will never email you, ask for money, or otherwise contact you.

Within a few days or a week (some say it can take up to 30 days) you will get a direct yes or no answer. No feedback or explanation.

Here’s what no looks like:

And yes, break out of the champagne:

10 tips on how to get verified on Instagram

So yes, anyone can apply for Instagram verification. But in reality, getting approval is much more difficult.

We’ve taken it a step further and compiled all the best practices that will maximize your chances of getting verified as you move forward in your quest to prove your brand is remarkable.

1. Don’t try to buy an Instagram verification badge

We’ll get this out of the way first: that guy in your comments who says his friend works on Instagram? Please don’t give him money.

The same goes for any third party app or random account that offers a “full refund”. And for any random account that DMs you because they want to sell you their badge because they don’t need it anymore.

Instagram scammers know that people and businesses have a lot of emotions about the blue check, and some of them look legit quite effectively, so be on the lookout. And remember that Instagram will never ask for payment and will never contact you.

In short: The only way to get verified is through the official form, unless you’re Jennifer Aniston (in which case, scroll down to Tip #7: Work with an agency or publicist, or maybe stop reading this article altogether because you’re doing great! ).

2. Track impostor accounts

If you are struggling with persistent unauthorized, fake, or fan accounts impersonating your brand, we have good news for you. You are a prime candidate for Instagram verification. After all, distinguishing real accounts from fake ones is the stated goal of verification.

Your annual social media audit should clarify whether imposter accounts are a problem for you. You’ll want to track and document these accounts with a social media monitoring tool such as the Zerofox integration with Hootsuite.

3. Get more (real) followers

Look, we don’t have numbers, but to be honest, sometimes it feels like you need an incredible amount of followers to pass the test. There is absolutely no evidence that this is a real rule, but – it doesn’t hurt? Or maybe correlation doesn’t imply causation?

In fact, what is more likely is that as people or brands become more visible on and off Instagram, the number of followers grows with them.

If you want to hedge your bets and play both ways – the chicken and the egg – here are some ideas on how to get more Instagram followers.

Pro Tip: Just don’t try to take shortcuts and buy Instagram followers. (Also, violating the Community Guidelines and then asking Instagram to verify your account is a very effective way to close your account.)

4. Remove all cross-platform links in your bio.

In what some might call a slightly shallow step (we would never dare), Instagram insists that verified accounts cannot have so-called “add me”links to other social media services on their Instagram profiles. You may include links to your website, landing pages, or other online resources, but never link to your YouTube or Twitter account.

On the other hand, if you have a blue check mark on your Facebook profile but not on your Instagram account, Instagram explicitly encourages you to link to your Instagram account from your Facebook page to verify your identity.

5. Be on the lookout

Social media is all about random, organic discoveries (that’s what the Instagram Explore page is for, anyway – and increasing it can have a real impact on your engagement and follower count).

But when it comes to verification, Instagram wants to know if people care about you enough to break away from the temptations of the feed and spontaneously type your name into the search bar.

While Instagram does not provide analytics for this data, we would bet money on the fact that the Instagram verification team has access and will check how often users search for you. Which brings us to the next point…

6. Apply when your name appears on the news

Google yourself. Has your brand been featured in multiple news sources? Was a recent press release or white paper used? Do you have a reputation or profile in a major international publication? Paid or promotional content definitely doesn’t count.

If PR hasn’t been a priority for your brand so far, it may be harder for you to prove how “famous”you are. Especially since you have nowhere to send proof: Instagram does its own research, so you have to make sure your news is at the top of the page and impossible to ignore.

If you’ve recently experienced a sudden rush of attention or are planning to make an important announcement, consider capitalizing on it and applying for this checkmark while your name is hot.

7. Work with an agency or publicist

If you have the budget and ambition, hire a reputable digital agency that has access to Facebook’s media partner support tools. Your publicist or agent will be able to submit requests for usernames, account merging, and account verification through their industry portal.

Is verification guaranteed? Of course not. But a request from an industry professional through a media partner support panel carries more weight and makes you stand out from the crowd.

8. Be honest

This tip should be simple, but because the consequences are dire, we have to highlight it. In your statement, in order to be verified, you must be truthful, first of all.

Use your real name. Choose the appropriate category. Never forge any government documents.

If you spread the truth anywhere on your app, Instagram says that not only will it deny your request, but it may delete your account.

9. Make sure your profile and bio is complete and effective.

The listed Instagram requirements for verification (biography, profile picture, and one post? Really?) are a low bar. You don’t just want to meet him. You want to jump over it.

Optimizing your Instagram bio will not only impress the review team when they come to review you, but it can also pay ongoing dividends in terms of new followers and conversions.

10. If you were rejected the first time, try again

If, after all your hard work, Instagram is bouncing back, take the opportunity to focus on your goals and redouble your efforts.

Hone your Instagram strategy, build a dedicated audience, and earn attention on the platform.

And then, whether you wait the required 30 days or spend several fiscal quarters meeting your KPIs, you can reapply.

Frequently Asked Questions About Instagram Verification

How many followers do you need to get verified on Instagram?

Technically, there is no minimum number of followers to pass verification on Instagram. As long as you can prove that you are a “famous”or in-demand person (or that your account represents a well-known business or organization), you can verify your account regardless of how many followers you have.

How much does an IG check cost?

Verification on Instagram is free. Instagram will never ask you to pay for a verification badge, and if someone offers to verify your account for money, they are trying to scam you.

How to get a blue tick on Instagram without being famous?

To get a blue tick on Instagram, you must prove that your account can be impersonated because you are a well-known public figure or represent a well-known organization.

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