How to watch replays in Overwatch 2

How to watch replays in Overwatch 2

We have good days and bad days – sometimes you are the top player and sometimes you have the lowest stats on the team. Unfortunately, that’s the way it is in online multiplayer games, unless you’re an absolute powerhouse. If you want to level up faster, it’s vital to examine your games to see your scores and see how you succeeded or failed to make changes to your gameplay next time. Here’s how to watch replays in Overwatch 2.

How to watch replays in Overwatch 2

  • Launch Overwatch 2 and click Career Profile from the main menu.
  • Click “History”in the menu at the top.
  • From the options you see on the left, click Replays.
  • You will see the last 10 matches you played (including matches against AI). On the right there will be a mention of defeat or victory.
  • Click on your preferred match or filter them with the “Mode”button in the top right corner.
  • Then select one of the following options: View, Pin, Add/Edit Note, or Share.
  • Keep in mind that these videos will reset after every client update, so if you want to keep them, do so as soon as possible.
  • By watching replays, you will be able to see the match from a bird’s eye view and see how you and your opponents performed. Learn from their tricks, master the character you control, or try out the hero your enemy used to kill you.

It’s all about watching replays in Overwatch 2.

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