How to get better in FIFA 23 (tips)

How to get better in FIFA 23 (tips)

Looking for tips on how to get better in FIFA 23? This guide will help. For 3 decades, gamers have been trying to get better at the best sports sim that is the FIFA franchise. With FIFA 23 set to be the latest chapter in this trend-setting series, powered by HyperMotion 2 gaming technology, the game shows its best in teams with graphical fidelity. Each new entry introduces small incremental changes to an already established game loop, and FIFA 23 is no different. But sometimes it can be difficult to adapt, and the only way to improve is to use the tools available to the fullest. So let’s take a look at some effective tricks and techniques to make you the FIFA 23 expert you know you can be.

How to get better in FIFA 23

Long Shots (Trivela and Power Shot)

Taking long shots from out of bounds is always nice, but it usually comes out of frustration or desperation. FIFA 23 solves this problem by giving players Trivela and Power Shot.

A trivela is a long-range kick that allows a player to kick the ball from the outside of their dominant foot, making it most effective when facing the goal diagonally on either side of the penalty area (right side for right-footed players and left side for the opposite). This can be done by holding down L2/LT while firing and pressing Circle/B to shoot, aiming for the top crates.

Power Shot, on the other hand, is very situational. If you find yourself facing the opponent’s goal and you have room to maneuver, load up a powerful shot from outside the penalty area to catch the goalkeeper by surprise.


Football can be divided into two main points: when a team has possession of the ball and when not. Jockeying is one of the simplest yet effective defensive skills you need to master. Mechanically, all you have to do is hold L2/LT and move the analog sticks in the desired direction. But the real key to juggling is patience, as a common mistake players make is holding down the sprint button, which tends to create space in your defensive line. Time and patience are key factors in reliable protection.

Second Man Press

This is a more advanced but very effective defensive technique that will control your defensive line. When you find yourself in a defensive situation against two opponents with one of your AI players on the ball, simply press R1/RB to block that path while holding the extra person. This advice comes with a huge warning that this is very situational, as holding R1/RB every time you defend doesn’t involve second man pressing.

Through the balls

A relatively new addition to FIFA, through balls, is deadly once mastered. To execute, press Triangle along with L1 and R1 on PS/Y with LB and RB for Xbox. However, the tricky part of mastering the through pass is the timing, as A.I in FIFA 23 must be activated by holding L1/LB just before the pass is executed. A through throw can be used to break down strong opponents with high defensive lines. A well-timed first pass can be even more effective.

Agile dribbling

While L1 dribbling looks bizarre, it tends to get you into the dirt and end up losing the ball. The solution to this problem is to simply switch to nimble dribbling using R1/RB when you find yourself in the opponent’s 3rd half. Using nimble dribbling for a few seconds opens up a much-needed space that allows you to pass the ball to your attackers, creating more scoring chances.


One of the notable novelties of the game is the new system of free kicks. Now, as you approach to strike, a “ring of composure”narrows around the ball. The size and speed at which the ring shrinks depends on the composure stats of your chosen player. Aiming is also made easier with the removal of the crosshair: simply move the joystick in the direction you want to shoot and shoot. The best time to throw is when the composure ring is the same size as a soccer ball.


Like any other esports, when all is said and done, it all comes down to your mental toughness. FIFA 23 is a game of trial and error. Try different play styles, different formations, and different combinations of players to suit your temperament. Every defeat is a learning experience. Sticking to your basics and trusting your system will always turn the games in your favor.

It covers some of the new and old methods you can use to improve in FIFA 23. Check out our best striker build guide and other FIFA guides.

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