How to dry meat at Sons Of The Forest

How to dry meat at Sons Of The Forest

Sons of The Forest is based on its predecessor The Forest in almost every aspect. The game successfully evokes feelings of dread and fear in players as they fight for their survival against nature itself. Naturally, food and water are important resources that players must manage, and the ability to save what you have caught is a valuable skill. Here is a short guide on how to dry meat in Sons of The Forest.

How to dry meat in Sons of the Forest

Curing any caught meat is a great way to preserve it and prevent rotting. To dry meat, you need to create a dryer. Open your survival pack and take out the instruction manual. Open the “Storage”page and select the option to create a dryer.

All you need to build a rack is 13 sticks. They can be found all over the island and you can even ask Kelvin to collect them for you if he is available. Once you have all the materials and built the dryer, place any raw meat you have on the rack hook.

This can be done for any type of meat you harvest, but be aware that it will take some time. Each individual piece of meat takes about 8 minutes to dry completely. The meat can be of any size, from seagulls to turtles and even humans, all of which are fair game when it comes to survival. Check out our guide on how to cook and eat food easily for more tips on how to play.

That’s all you need to know about how to dry meat at Sons of The Forest.

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