How to Destroy the Orbs to Defeat the Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy

How to Destroy the Orbs to Defeat the Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy

One of the bosses in Hogwarts Legacy that many players can’t beat is the Pool of the Pool Guardian. While it does not have a wide variety of moves and is rather slow. He has one move that can deal a lot of damage to players. And this move includes attacking the player with powerful orbs. So in this guide, you will learn how to destroy the orbs and defeat the Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy.

How to defeat the Pensieve Guardian in Hogwarts Legacy

Image credit: 100% tutorials on YouTube

You can defeat the Guardian of the Pool by spamming with your attacks. The part that most people get stuck in is when he attacks you with his balls. To destroy them, you just need to cast a spell of the same color as the orb on them. Don’t worry if this sounds too confusing, just make sure you use one of each color. Below are all of his moves and spells required to destroy the orbs:

  • Stomp Attack: The Pensieve Keeper stomps the ground. This will launch a purple attack trail in your direction. You can dodge to avoid being hit by it.
  • Shockwave Attack: He will use this move mostly after he gets up after being stunned. You may know that he is about to come along a circular fiery border that looks like water. As soon as you see him, move out of his range to avoid getting hit by the shockwave.
  • Ball Attacks: The Pensieve Keeper charges the ball. It will be yellow, purple or red. This means that you can use control, strength or damage spells to destroy it. If you don’t have any color, you can also throw pod-like items at it. Finally, you can try to hide behind the pillars as a last resort to protect yourself from this. Although this method is not very efficient.

Just keep dodging his attacks and use your spells to drain his health and you will instantly defeat the Pensieve Guardian.

How to destroy the Pensieve Guardian Orbs

As explained above, you need to hit the Sphere with a spell of the same color at the right time. Here are some of those spells for each realm that you can use:

  • Destroy yellow orbs: Use control spells like Levioso or Glacius. Any control spell works.
  • Destroy purple orbs: Use Force spells like Depulso or Flipendo. Any Force spell works.
  • Destroy Red Orbs: Use damage spells like Confringo or Diffindo. Any damage spell works.

Make sure you use these spells when the Guardian is charging the orb. This will increase your chances of not getting hit.

That covers this guide on how to defeat the Keeper of the Pool Pool in the Hogwarts Legacy and destroy his Orbs. For more guides on this game, you should find our Hogwarts Legacy helpful.

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