How to install an air purifier

How to install an air purifier

How to install an air purifier? In what room should it be installed? What precautions to take? We’ll tell you everything in this little guide.

An air purifier can be a big help in your daily life by reducing the amount of potentially health-threatening allergens in your home. With proper installation and proper maintenance, it can rid you of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that degrade indoor air quality. A portable air purifier is especially handy because you can move it from room to room to improve the air quality in one room or another as needed.

The article below will tell you everything you need to know to install a standard air purifier.

Install an air purifier

To put together this little step-by-step guide, I went through several user manuals from different air purifier manufacturers. I specifically looked at the installation instructions from Honeywell, Shark, Levoit and Crane. These steps are very simple but essential to ensure your purifier works optimally.

Step 1: Install the air filter

Air purifiers, even those made from recycled Hyundai Ionic 5 parts, have at least one air filter, and sometimes more. Before you begin, you will need to remove the filters from their packaging and follow the instructions for installing them in your air purifier. Some models come with the filter(s) already installed, but they still need to be removed from the packaging before using the unit. If your air filter is already installed, make sure it is not already packaged before you start using it. If it is in the package, remove the package and replace the filter.

Step 2: Position it right

Most air purifiers require some distance from walls, furniture, and other items in the room to work properly. Again, check your manual for exact distances because they can vary greatly from brand to brand and model to model. Shark, for example, suggests keeping the device at least 8 cm away from the wall, while Levoit asks for a minimum of 40 cm. Crane recommends a distance of 90 cm from the wall.

Depending on the size of the room, these distances can make a big difference and can help you decide which model to buy. If you want to use the air purifier in a small room, you may find it difficult to position it 90 cm from the wall (as stated in the Crane manual).

Step 3: Avoid Cluttering the Grids

Regardless of the distance requested by the manufacturer, it is also in your interest to make sure that the nets do not obstruct anything. A curtain, piece of furniture, or other objects can significantly reduce the performance of the device. In any case, always install the air purifier facing the room and not against a wall or piece of furniture.

What else do you need to know

Keep in mind that these steps may or may not vary greatly depending on the model you have. Be sure to read your air purifier’s user manual before you start to make sure you don’t damage your device and get the most out of it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the manufacturer directly.

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