How to zoom in and out on the map in Sons Of The Forest (GPS Tracker Guide)

How to zoom in and out on the map in Sons Of The Forest (GPS Tracker Guide)

You must know how to zoom in and out of the map in Sons of the Forest. The island you crash-land on can be especially difficult to navigate. And any tricks that can help improve your survival are a must. So here’s a quick guide on how you can zoom in and out of the map on your GPS tracker in Sons of the Forest.

How to zoom in and out of the map in Sons of the Forest

You must press the middle mouse button to zoom in or out on the map on your GPS tracker. Other than that, there is nothing else to manage. Remember that this will not change the size of your minimap. But you can definitely use this to change the way you view your tracker. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Open your inventory by pressing I.
  2. Equip your tracker. In addition, you can also use hotkeys to quickly switch to it.
  3. Press M to bring it out.
  4. Finally, press the middle mouse button to zoom in or out.

There are several different viewing levels that you can zoom in and out of. When fully zoomed out, most of the map is displayed, but not the entire map. You can see many sights, but it won’t give you the exact location. Full zoom gives you a better idea of ​​the position you are in.

That covers this guide on how to zoom in and out of the map on your GPS tracker in Sons of the Forest.

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