How to use the Siri voice assistant on Android

How to use the Siri voice assistant on Android

Apple’s voice assistant, Siri, is very advanced and very effective. Can it be used on an Android device? If so, how? We will tell you everything in this article.

Digital voice assistants are very common today, the most famous and most successful are undoubtedly Google Assistant and Apple’s Siri solution. That being said, it is possible that you have devices from the Mountain View ecosystem and others from the Cupertino company in your home. Therefore, we may be tempted to use the voice assistant of one on the smartphone of another, or vice versa. Is it possible, for example, to use Siri on an Android device?

Introducing Siri

Siri first appeared on the iPhone 4s. It soon became one of the most famous assistants on the market. So much so that some users, especially those who are already used to Siri on iPhone, iPad, Mac or other devices, want to use it on their Android device. The idea is not absurd, since a number of services from the Apple brand are already available on Android.

Can we use Siri on an Android device?

Siri, Apple’s voice assistant, is designed and developed for Apple devices. In fact, Siri is not compatible with other operating systems. And the Cupertino company is not going to make it compatible. In other words, it is not possible to use Siri on an Android device.

However, Android users who need a voice assistant have the perfect solution: Google Assistant. Any device running Android 7.0 or later is compatible with Google Assistant. The latter is just as successful as Siri, maybe even more, and is designed and built for Android devices.

Therefore, it is impossible to use Siri on Android, but you have Google Assistant!

How to use Google Assistant on Android

There are several ways to activate Google Assistant and deactivate it, for that matter. The most popular are the use of voice with the famous “Ok Google”command. To do this, you need to activate voice recognition. This can be done through Settings > Voice > Speech Recognition, and then turn on the “Say ‘OK Google’ anytime”option. Another widely used method: by holding down the central round button.

You can also download and install the dedicated Google Assistant app from the Google Play Store. It will then show up like any other app with its own icon. By clicking on it, you will open the wizard and be able to access the settings of the service.

How to use Siri on iOS, iPadOS, or macOS

As mentioned above, Siri has been natively integrated into Apple operating systems for several years now. It is also usually enabled by default. And this activation on an iPhone or iPad is very similar to activating Google Assistant on Android.

All you need to do is say “Hey Siri”if voice activation is enabled in Settings > Siri, or by holding down the round home button on your device.

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