How to leave a group in Diablo 4

How to leave a group in Diablo 4

In Diablo IV, you can interact with other players using emotes, inspect their characters, or even join their team to defeat difficult bosses. If you’ve just completed one of these missions and want to leave the group in Diablo 4, it can be a bit confusing due to the number of icons you’ll see on the screen. The solution is to go to the “Social networks”menu through the “Map”screen. Here’s how.

How to leave a party in Diablo 4

To leave a party in Diablo IV:

  • Xbox: Press the View button on your controller.
  • PlayStation: Press the trackpad on the controller.
  • PC: Press the TAB key.
  • This will take you to the map and log screen. Now switch the tabs from MAP to SOCIAL.
  • You will see the character name of the player you have joined in the top left corner of the screen.
  • Press the hint as shown on your PC/Console to leave the party. For Xbox, this is the X button. Press and hold the button and confirm this action. You will now see a “left side”message in the top left corner after a short loading screen.

And that’s all there is to it. Here’s how you can leave the party in Diablo 4.

On the Map and Journal screen, you can also choose which main story mission or side quest you want to track. The Social tab is also useful for other purposes besides getting out of a party. Here you can enable voice chat by pressing the R stick on your gamepad. If you would like to add local players, you can also do so from this screen. Find a player and press Y on your Xbox controller to send them an invite. Once they accept this, they will be added as friends and you will be able to complete quests together.

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