How do I know if my email has been recalled in Outlook

How do I know if my email has been recalled in Outlook

Microsoft Outlook is one of the most popular email clients in the world. Nearly 60% of Internet professionals use it for convenience and security. It also offers many features and one of them is email revocation in Outlook. However, many users get confused when someone remembers an email and cannot know if it was successfully retracted. Here is our guide to help you understand if your email has been revoked in Outlook.


What is feedback in Outlook?

If someone recalls a message in Outlook, that message is, in other words, recalled or called back from the recipient’s inbox. With the retract feature in Outlook, you can also replace the replacement message. For example, if you needed to attach an attachment to an email but forgot to do so, you can revoke the message and then add the attachment and send it again.

Message retraction in Outlook is only allowed if both users have Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Exchange email accounts in the same organization. This means that if you send a message from Gmail or, it cannot be retracted. With that said, let’s try to figure out how to know if someone has retracted a message.

However, even before that, you should keep a few things in mind before retracting an email in Outlook:

  1. The recipient must not open the sent email.
  2. Both of you must be using Microsoft 365 or a Microsoft Exchange email account.
  3. The same organizations manage your email. For example – Hotmail on Hotmail. Gmail doesn’t work on Hotmail.
  4. You must be using the desktop client for Microsoft Outlook to complete this step. You cannot use the web client. While it’s easier to set up Outlook on smartphones these days, remembering doesn’t work there either.
  5. Make sure the email isn’t protected by Azure Information Protection. If it’s under protection, you won’t be able to remember it.

Now that you know all the terms, make sure your email matches them. Continue reading further.

How to revoke an email in Outlook 2023

Before you know that your message has been successfully recalled in Outlook, you need to know how you can actually recall a message in Outlook. So let’s look at the steps you need to follow:

  • Launch Microsoft Outlook and navigate to the Sent Items folder in the left pane.
  • Now double click on the message you want to remember. Simply selecting a message will prevent you from remembering it.
  • If you’re using the classic ribbon, go to the Message tab.
  • Now go to Actions. From there, click “Recall this message.”
  • However, if you are using the simplified Ribbon, you need to select the Message tab and then go to More Commands (…). After that, select “Actions”and click “Recall this message”.

This is how you remember messages in Outlook. In the next section, we’ll show you how to tell if your email has been successfully retracted.

How to know if my email has been revoked in Outlook?

When you follow the instructions above, you will get a pop-up that will give you some options. There will be two options: Delete unread copies of this message and Delete unread copies and replace them with a new message. Choose the appropriate option that suits your needs.

And now the last step. You’ll see a checkbox that says: Let me know if the revocation is successful or not for each recipient. After you check this box, you will receive a notification from Outlook each time you revoke a message indicating whether the email was successfully revoked.

Outlook email recall

Well, that is all we have on how to know if your email has been successfully revoked in Outlook. We hope this guide has helped you. If you need more help feel free to comment below. Also, many users recently reported that Microsoft Outlook won’t open on Windows 10/11, be sure to check it out.

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