How to Pin Someone on Snapchat on Android

How to Pin Someone on Snapchat on Android

Pinning someone on Snapchat on Android is a quick way to send a message to a friend. Learn how to pin someone on Snapchat from this article.

Are your important chats getting lost in your chat list due to the amount of snaps you receive daily? Well, Snapchat understands that not all conversations are equal, which is why it offers the pin conversation feature.

If you don’t know what the pinning feature does and how to use it, you’ve come to the right place because here we’ll tell you everything you need to know about it.

What happens when you pin chats on Snapchat

When you pin a chat on Snapchat, it always appears at the top of your chat list, even if you’re receiving messages from other contacts.

So pinning is done to prioritize the chat over other chats, so no matter how many messages you get, the pinned chat stays at the top so you don’t have to scroll through it each time to find it.

If you don’t want the chat to appear at the top, you can simply unpin it and it will work like a normal chat.

Can you pin someone on Snapchat on Android?

Unfortunately, Snapchat does not allow Android users to pin chats. This is because Snapchat was supposed to be an app for iOS users only, but due to its popularity, it was also released for Android.

However, some features, such as Snapchat’s Pin feature, still haven’t arrived on Android.

Many Android users have reported this issue on Snapchat but haven’t heard from them yet. However, Android users are expected to be able to use this feature at any time in the future.

Note. While you can’t pin chats to your Snapchat on Android, you can add chats to your home screen, which offers the same feature.

How to pin someone on Snapchat on iPhone?

If you are an iPhone user, you can use this feature on Snapchat. The process of pinning a chat on Snapchat is simple and you can do it by following a few simple steps mentioned below:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and swipe right from the camera screen to go to a friend’s screen, or tap the chat button at the bottom left.
  1. Here you will see a list of the friends and groups you have on Snapchat. Scroll through the list and find the chat you want to pin. If you can’t find the chat you want to pin, you can also search for it in the search box.
  2. Don’t long press on the chat or group chat you want to pin.
  3. A pop-up window will appear on the screen with several options. Click “Chat Settings”and then click “Pin Conversation”.

Another way to do this is to go to your friend’s profile, click on the three dots in the top right corner, and choose to pin the conversation there.

Note. You can only pin three people at a time; if you want to pin another chat after three are already present, you will have to delete one to add another.

How to unpin someone’s Snapchat conversation?

Now that you know how to pin a chat on Snapchat, you are probably wondering how you can unpin a chat on Snapchat. Here are the steps you need to follow to unpin a chat from Snapchat:

  1. Open the Snapchat app on your iOS device.
  2. Go to the chat screen by tapping the chat icon in the bottom left corner and tap and hold on the pinned chat you want to unpin.
  3. A pop-up window will appear; click “More”and click “Unpin Conversation”.

How to Customize the Snapchat Pin Badge

Snapchat allows you to customize the emoji, badge, or friend emoji used to identify a pinned chat. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open your Snapchat and go to your profile.
  2. Select the settings icon; scroll down to manage and click on it.
  3. Now select Friends emoticons.
  4. Click Pinned Conversation.
  5. Select the emoji you want to replace with the default pin icon. The change will take effect immediately and you do not need to save any changes.
  6. Now go back by tapping the back arrow in the top right corner of the screen a few times until all the settings menus are closed.
  7. You will now see a new pin icon in the selected chat.

Will a pinned friend receive a pinning notification?

No, it doesn’t matter if you pin or unpin a Snapchat chat; your friends will not receive a notification. However, if you delete messages from a pinned chat, Snapchat will notify them immediately.


Pinning a Conversation is a great Snapchat feature that allows users to always keep certain chats at the top of their chat list so they don’t have to scroll and find them every time.

Unfortunately, this feature is not available for Android and it is not known when it will be released.

However, those with an iOS device can use the steps mentioned above to pin and unpin chats from their Snapchat.

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