The Virtuix Omni One VR Mat Finally Arrives to Its First Customers

The Virtuix Omni One VR Mat Finally Arrives to Its First Customers

The Virtuix Omni One VR mat is getting closer to market launch. The first clients should appear in a few months.

Gamers looking to get the most out of VR at home can finally afford the Virtuix Omni One. Virtuix has been working on their treadmill for several years now, and after several crowdfunding campaigns, the Omni One will soon reach its first customers. Today Virtuix is ​​launching a new campaign that aims to make it available to the general public in the coming months.

Virtuix Omni One VR Mat Gets Closer to Market

You may remember Omni, which launched on Kickstarter in 2013 and reached its goal in just 24 hours. The Omni One was conceived and developed after the Omni Pro, a more imposing version available at select amusement parks around the world. This round carpet – omnidirectional – measures 1.20 meters wide and 1.50 meters long and weighs about 115 kg. Safety is ensured by a vertical crossbar equipped with a shoulder strap and a tape for attaching to the waist, the latter is also equipped with a lever on one side. The set allows the user to walk, run, kneel and even jump in the video game. Good to know that the Omni One can be folded up when not in use.

The Omni One is priced at $2,595 (excluding shipping), and the brand also offers the Pico Neo 3 virtual reality headset modified specifically for the Omni One. The price is slightly higher than Virtuix’s original $1,995 prediction. Those who participated in one of the fundraising campaigns will receive a reduced rate of 30%.

The first clients should appear in a few months

Note that while the company says its mat is compatible with other existing or upcoming VR games, Virtuix plans to offer its own games through its own store. There will be at least 30 titles in total at launch, but the company shared in a Facebook post that it has about 200 titles on its full list.

While the Omni One will usually be available to everyone in a few months, it is currently unknown how many units will be produced. According to Virtuix, at least 900 interested people signed up to purchase this first version, and about 35,000 more were expected to be on the waiting list.

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