Kung Fu Panda: DreamWorks Animation to continue Poe’s adventures on Netflix
Six years after the release of the last animated film, American actor Jack Black will again voice Po Ping in the animated series Kung Fu Panda: Dragon Knight.
Streaming platform Netflix will expand the Kung Fu Panda universe with an animated series. Kung Fu Panda: Dragon Knight is produced by executive producers Peter Hastings and Shont Nigossian. Chris Amick and Ben Meckler are co-executive producers.
When a mysterious pair of weasels set their sights on a collection of four powerful weapons, Po the panda must leave home to embark on a global quest for redemption and justice. He then joins forces with a ruthless English knight named Rogueblade. Together, these two disparate warriors embark on an epic adventure to be the first to find a magical weapon and save the world from destruction – and they may even learn a thing or two from each other along the way.
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