Best camera for hitting and PCI setup in MLB The Show 23

Best camera for hitting and PCI setup in MLB The Show 23

Want to know the best Hiting View and PCI settings in MLB The Show 23? Then you are in the perfect place. Camera settings have a huge impact on your gameplay in the latest MLB series from San Diego Studio. While past players are already aware of this, it will take some time for new players to adjust to the correct settings. Don’t worry because we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, check out the best camera settings you can use for Hitting View and PCI right here.

Best Hit View in MLB The Show 23

The Strike Zone is simply the best shot in MLB The Show 23. It’s no surprise that this shot is the most used in online matches. This camera angle will give you a better view of the pitcher and the ball itself. You’ll be able to better time your shots and hit home runs with ease with this view camera. However, if you don’t like this camera angle, you can also try Strike Zone 2 and Strike Zone 3. To sum up, try to find the angle of view that suits you best.

Best PCI settings in MLB The Show 23

The game allows you to change your strike and throw settings to help you get the most out of every bat. The PCI settings can also be customized to your liking. The more PCI, the better your batter’s hitting will be. So, here are the best PCI settings in MLB The Show 23 that you can use:

  • Tablet coverage indicator – on
  • PCI Center: Circles
  • PCI internal: wedge
  • External PCI: no
  • PCI Color: Orange
  • PCI Transparency: 70%
  • Disappearing PCI: No

That’s all you need to know about the best view and PCI settings in MLB The Show 23.

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