The Best AI Image Generation Tools

The Best AI Image Generation Tools

In recent years, artificial intelligence has made tremendous progress. She recently took up image generation, which is a daunting task to say the least. Here is a selection of existing tools.

Artificial intelligence has been attacking the arts for some time now, especially the creation of images. Today, there are many services that can generate images from a few keywords that you provide to them. But which ones are the best? Here is a ranking, rather subjective of course, of the best free AI image generation tools.

13. Photor

Fotor uses the GoArt algorithm. Relatively easy to use, but more like simple Photoshop filters than anything else. The app even offers a nice photo editor, but to get rid of watermarks on generated images, you’ll have to pay.

12. Hot AI

Hotpot is a rather primitive piece of software, but it allows you to create art with a fairly simple AI. The result doesn’t really understand the original query and the algorithm struggles with faces.

11. Deep AI

DeepAI is a fairly simple and rudimentary generator. The generated images look more like collages of images found here and there than actual attempts at creation.

10. Dream Studio

The Dream Studio software is free and offers many features that others don’t, such as the ability to resize an image. Developed by Stability AI, who recently released the much more popular Stable Diffusion generator.

The system is also quite fast, but unfortunately the results are often very strange. It does take a lot of input to get something viable. Give the artist name “copy”, for example, and you’ll see.

9. Stable spread

The Stability AI image generator has been officially available for several months now. Stable Diffusion is open source, free, and uncensored compared to Dall-E or Google Imagen.

Stable diffusion seems much more effective when you ask it to be created in the style of a particular artist. This raises some ethical questions.


This free Python-based Google Colab algorithm is relatively easy to use. Follow the link, scroll down, enter keywords and press Ctrl+F9 or Runtime – Run all. The system repeats so you can see the progress of the AI ​​in every frame.

7. Dall-E Mini (Creyon)

The system, formerly known as Dall-E Mini, now Craiyon, creates a variety of images that it hopes will match what you want. The images are quite low resolution and the result often leaves something to be desired. It’s more like collecting images from the Internet and a hodgepodge of approximations than real thinking.

6. Deep Dream Generator

Google Deep Dream Generator claims to be able to turn images into stylized creations. It’s a very cool tool, but it’s more like playing with advanced filters and coloring than creating anything.

5. Night cafe

Nightcafe only lets you create a few images before asking you to pay, but offers plenty of options. Users must purchase credits to get larger or higher resolution images.

The results are quite successful, but far from reality. The base resolution also leaves much to be desired. Try. But it’s hard to justify the asking $10 a month.

4. Star AI

With a simple and sophisticated interface, StarryAI also works with credits. Some creations you may like, others will seem very far from what you thought. Is it worth buying credits? It’s your turn to judge.

3. DALL-E 2

DALL-E 2 was perhaps the most anticipated generator. OpenAI, the creator of DALL-E, formalized its system on September 28th. Users are entitled to 50 free builds per month and can pay for additional credits.

The algorithm gives very successful results, but has difficulty reproducing certain styles. And if he has facial problems, the results often speak for themselves.

2 Wombo Dream

Wombo Dream allows you to create images in different styles. You can even turn your creations into NFTs. Some creations are truly evocative, so to speak. Like it or not, at least we can say that the algorithm has style.

1. Middle of the road

The first place in this “rating”is occupied by Midjourney. The tool has attracted attention since its open beta, and today it is without a shadow of a doubt one of the best AI image generators. The accuracy of the generated images can convince anyone that it is a human hand.

However, Midjourney has a penchant for repetition. But there is no doubt that you will often be amazed at the result. The main program remains on Discord, and the bot offers the first generations for free. Then you have to pay $10 per month for a basic subscription with 200 images.

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