The best attackers in Rainbow Six (R6) Siege

The best attackers in Rainbow Six (R6) Siege

The competitive online shooter Rainbow Six Siege has become more popular and larger since its release in 2015. With over 60 operators to choose from, the game offers its players an insane replayability and allows for multiple strategies. Here is a list of the best, in our opinion, attackers in Rainbow Six Siege.

Best Attack Operators in Rainbow Six Siege


Her Gemini Replicator gadget allows her to create a holographic copy of herself, which she can then control. The hologram looks and sounds exactly like Yana, making her an effective decoy when facing Defenders. A great trick to try with Yana is to quickly deactivate your replicator when you know the Defender is around the corner. This gives you a fraction of a second when the enemy thinks it’s a decoy and not Yana. Her ARX200 primary weapon and G36C assault rifle are excellent weapons that make her a favorite choice among attackers.


Another popular choice in the community, the Ace is equipped with 3 SELMA hacking devices. Throw one on any punchable surface to create a squat hole or a peephole, depending on the situation. Reinforced wall requires 2 SELMA. While there is no wall that Ace can break through, the main reason he chose it is because of his primary weapon, the AK-12 assault rifle, which is arguably the best assault rifle in the game.


With a balanced loadout consisting of the Mk 14 EBR rifle and BOSG 12.2 shotgun as the primary and C75 automatic pistol, the GONNE-6 hand cannon and the SMG-12 submachine gun as the secondary, Dokkaebi is already a worthy choice for the Attacker. But it’s her Logic Bomb virus that makes her one of the most dangerous attackers on your team. The Logic Bomb causes all of the Defender’s phones to buzz non-stop for 12 seconds. During this, they cannot access any of their cameras and will have to physically turn off their phone, a process during which they cannot move or film for 5 seconds. Dokkaebi can also use the phones of the dead Defenders to access their cameras for information.


Nokk is the best stealth operator in the game thanks to his HEL presence suppression device. For 12 seconds, Nokk can make himself invisible to cameras, as well as completely muffle his walk. Using her gadgets like Frag Greandes, Hand Breach Charge, and Impact Grenades does not affect her invisibility. This, combined with her FMG-9 primary submachine gun and SIX12 SD shotgun, allows her to quickly and effectively single-handedly enter a Defender camp.

Thatcher (best offensive player in Rainbow Six Siege)

Thatcher is the perfect counter-attack in any situation he finds himself in thanks to his EMP grenades. They can be used to disable any Defender gadgets within a 5m radius, which ironically makes them the most powerful gadget in the game. Best used to disable any gadgets attached to walls. The EMP Grenade does not affect your team’s gadgets, giving your team a strong advantage. His effective AR33 Assault Rifle and P226 Mk Pistol loadout makes him one of the best attackers in the game right now.

This is our list of the best attackers in Rainbow Six Siege. Check out our guides for other R6 guides.

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