The best emergency apps

In an emergency, you need good reflexes. And in these very difficult situations, your smartphone can be very useful.
The vast majority of emergencies and other disasters happen without warning, so it’s useful to some extent to take the lead. You may have already done this. For this, an everyday item that is always with you can be very useful: your smartphone. Here are the top apps for emergencies.
Offline messaging app
Communications are often severely damaged during major natural disasters. It is recommended to download several offline messaging apps. Instead of relying on a cellular signal, these apps use Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to find people near you.
As long as others have the same app installed and are within range, you can chat with them. On Android, Briar is a good option. In cross-platform, Bridgefy is a very good alternative.
The best way to connect with people around you
If the internet isn’t turned off, you can try Zello, a walkie-talkie app that lets you talk to people over the internet or Wi-Fi. Zello has public and private channels through which you can communicate with others. help. Handy in an emergency, but the app won’t work if the Zello servers are down.
Be alerted in real time
Since June 21, 2022, a new system of warning and informing the population “FR-Alert”has been deployed throughout the territory. It allows you to send notifications to mobile phones of people who are in a zone of serious danger (natural disaster, biological, chemical or man-made accident, terrorist attack, etc.) to inform them about the nature of the danger, its location. and about the behavior you need to adopt to protect yourself.
FR-Alert is designed to alert everyone in the danger zone via telecommunications networks. Therefore, there is no need to register in advance to receive alerts or download the mobile app.
If you are in an area where there is a threat or serious danger, you will receive a notification accompanied by a certain sound and vibration, even if your mobile phone is in silent mode, offline or in flight mode.
Apps that teach you first aid
If you’re facing a health emergency, the app that saves you: The Red Cross (Android, iOS) can help. You’ll find first aid instructions for a variety of emergencies, quizzes to test your knowledge, and more.
App for your pets
The American Red Cross also offers a first aid app for your pets. Pet First Aid is very complete, you will know how to respond to all situations. Available on iOS and Android.
Location sharing app to make it easier for others to find you
When you need to contact emergency services, you can use various apps to share your location. You can do this very easily with iMessage or WhatsApp, or you can use apps like Google Maps or SirenGPS (Android, iOS).
Don’t Forget Your Smartphone’s Native Functions
Smartphones have a large number of built-in emergency functions. Take the time to familiarize yourself with it.
The iPhone has an emergency function that you can get used to in a minute. Similarly, you should enable fall detection on your Apple Watch to alert others when you need help. If you have an Android smartphone, you can create an SOS alert system, there are plenty of tutorials.
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