Microsoft reveals how it’s integrating ads into its Bing AI chatbot

Microsoft reveals how it’s integrating ads into its Bing AI chatbot

Microsoft talks about how it’s integrating ads into its Bing AI chatbot. One thing is certain, there will be more.

In recent days, users have reported seeing ads during their chat sessions with the Bing chatbot. According to several examples circulating on the web, a GPT-4 based chatbot integrates relevant advertising links into responses to user questions. These ads are not shown (yet) to most users, but they should certainly become more frequent and appear in different places.

Microsoft reveals how it’s integrating ads into its Bing AI chatbot

In a new Bing blog post, Microsoft VP of Search and Devices Yusuf Mehdi acknowledges that the Redmond-based firm is currently looking into integrating ads into Bing chat, pointing out that examples already circulating are part of it. experiments. It also shows how the company plans to add more to its new Bing interface.

Until now, ads that are shown to users are presented as a quote with a link, as well as additional links in the “Read more”section under the Bing response to each request. In the future, Microsoft may launch an interface that will display other links when hovering over an advertiser’s link in order to draw the user to the site. The American giant is also exploring adding rich captions from its personalized news feed right below the chatbot’s replies.

One thing’s for sure, there will be more

The fact that Microsoft is monetizing its Bing chatbot in this way is a logical next step. From the very beginning, the question was not whether the company was going to do it, but when it would do it. And today we have a slightly more accurate idea of ​​the giant’s first initiatives in this direction. As Yusuf Mehdi explains in the post, since the launch of the chatbot, Bing has already attracted over 100 million daily active users. And since a third of those users are new to Bing, they represent a significant opportunity for advertisers. Microsoft clearly intends to take advantage of this while there is still time!

Bing ads appear @luke_lafr @linusgsebastian

— Punish (@pewnit) March 25, 2023

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